💼 Professionally, I am currently a Frontend Engineer at decube, developing our web app. Previously with
Airasia MOVE, working on UI/UX & Network Logic for the flights booking web interfaces at airasia.com — visual and technical design is fun!
📖 Growing up, I found aptitude in Redstone and Game Dev/Design, where I first started coding. Through a BSc Computer Science w AI, I’ve found Software Dev (notably Full-Stack Web) as an accessible medium to create experiences.
🔥 My passion is in Storytelling & Narratives: “finding universal truths of human experience, and translating them into cohesive drama”1. I express through music, theatre, film, storyboarding — even tech. I have a lot to say about story, if you’d like to hear from me!
🪴 I also upkeep a Digital Garden with Obsidian — I journal daily & write down everything I learn. I publicly expose a subset of my notes at chuangcaleb.com/garden and post life updates at chuangcaleb.com/now!