- Get distance: get the distance of objects detected by yolo detector
- ybias means the result text shown below the center of the object
- Draw Point cloud: use GLFW to draw point cloud
- Epipolar Geometry: draw epipolar line between two image using cv::findFundamentalMat
- Camera Pose:
- Refer to [Avi Singh's blog] (https://avisingh599.github.io/vision/monocular-vo/)
- Drawing visual odometry
- Scale: space between continuous point in 3D
- Frame: fps to calculate once
- Tracking
- Draw Tracking Line: Just for testing
- Tracking: with bug
- Faster Tracking: when the tracked point < 2000, re-detect the image feature points
cublas64_80.dll curand64_80.dll
glfw3.dll opengl32sw.dll glfw3dll.exp (optional)
opencv_core320.dll opencv_core320d.dll opencv_cudaarithm320.dll opencv_cudaarithm320d.dll
opencv_cudev320.dll opencvcudev320d.dll opencv_features2d320.dll opencv_features2d320d.dll
opencv_ffmpeg320_64.dll opencv_flann320.dll opencv_flann320d.dll opencv_imgproc320.dll
opencv_world320.dll opencv_world320d.dll opencv_xfeatures2d320.dll opencv_xfeatures2d320d.dll
D3Dcompiler_47.dll libEGL.dll libGLESV2.dll Qt5Core.dll Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Svg.dll Qt5Widgets.dll