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Using projects

Michael A. Cianfrocco edited this page Mar 3, 2017 · 9 revisions

Under development

To start a project: from relion project directory:

$ aws_relion_project_initialize "{description in double quotes}"

Initialization complete for project: relion-movie-test

This will put a file into the bucket: {rln-aws-{team}-{keyname}/aws_project_info.txt

List all projects:

$ aws_relion_listProjects 

Projects on AWS for user mike_oregon:

Project name			Description
relion-movie-test		 testing

This will list all project names from the file {rln-aws-{team}-{keyname}/aws_project_info.txt

List all directories in a given project:

$ aws_relion_listProjects relion-movie-test

Subdirectories & files in project relion-movie-test for user mike_oregon:

Clone entire project (everything except movies) information into current directory:

aws_project clone [projectname]
Clone this wiki locally