This repository contains the experiments, data, analyses, and figures for the paper "A Semantics for Causing, Enabling, and Preventing Verbs using Structural Causal Models" by Angela Cao* ([email protected]), Atticus Geiger*, Elisa Kreiss*, Thomas Icard, and Tobias Gerstenberg ([email protected]).
(* indicates equal contribution)
When choosing how to describe what happened, we have a number of causal verbs at our disposal. In this paper, we develop a model-theoretic formal semantics for nine causal verbs that span the categories of CAUSE, ENABLE, and PREVENT. We use structural causal models (SCMs) to represent participants' mental construction of a scene when assessing the correctness of causal expressions relative to a presented context. Furthermore, SCMs enable us to model events relating both the physical world as well as agents' mental states. In experimental evaluations, we find that the proposed semantics exhibits a closer alignment with human evaluations in comparison to prior accounts of the verb families.
You can see a demo of the experiment here.
├── exp-code
│ ├── binary-code
| ├── scale-code
│ └── videos
├── analysis
│ ├── R script
│ ├── data1
│ ├── data2
│ └── figures
└── video-generation
├── script
├── script-output
└── images
- Experimental backend for our binary-choice experiment, using _magpie. It was hosted using Netlifly, with the backend hosted on Heroku.
- Prior to running our binary-choice experiment, we also ran a similar version where participants additional had to indicate "how confident" they were in their choice. Data from our paper only reports on the binary-choice experiment, as the results from the scale version showed similar results.
- GIFs used in the experiment were first pdfs generated by our video generation script, and then converted to GIF form using a GIF converter.
- analysis script for reported results and corresponding pre-processing
- data collected from the experiment reported in the paper (worker IDs are replaced with a unique number)
- data collected from a preliminary scale version of our experiment (worker IDs are replaced with a unique number)
- figures outputted from the analysis script
- Python script used to generate .tex for compilation into pdf versions of the video stimuli
- pdf outpts from the script
- copyright-free images of entities needed for the script, such as the farmer, wizard, and rock