RL environment to study the evacuation of pedestrians for dimly rooms.
Learning curves for stable-baselines3 PPO agent
wandb report: smoothed learning curves
wandb report: comparing rewards study
git clone https://github.com/cinemere/evacuation
cd evacuation
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Here are the default values, which can be changed via environmental variables:
TBLOGS_DIR ?= "./saved_data/tb_logs"
WANDB_DIR ?= "./saved_data/"
CONFIG ?= "<path-to-yaml-conifg>" # to setup arguments from config
DEVICE ?= "cpu"
To enable wandb logging you need to create your wandb profile and run the following once:
wandb init
- To disable wandb logging (for debugging or other reason) you need to run:
wandb disabled
- To enable wandb logging (when you need to turn on looging again) you need to run:
wandb enabled
To run experiment from command line:
python src/main.py --env.experiment-name "my-first-experiment"
To use evacuation env in your code:
from src.env import setup_env, EnvConfig, EnvWrappersConfig
from src.agents import RandomAgent
# Initialize environment
env = setup_env(EnvConfig, EnvWrappersConfig)
# Initialize random agent
random_agent = RandomAgent(env.action_space)
# Initialize episode
obs, _ = env.reset()
terminated, truncated = False, False
# Episode loop
while not (terminated or truncated):
action = random_agent.act(obs)
obs, reward, terminated, truncated, _ = env.step(action)
env.save_animation() # save episode trajectory in giff
env.render() # save episode trajectory in png
To run learning of an RPO agent with transformer embedding use:
python3 src/main.py --env.experiment-name "my-experiment" \
--wrap.positions rel \
--wrap.statuses ohe \
--wrap.type Box \
model:clean-rl-config \
To run learning of an RPO agent with gravity encoding of observations use:
python3 src/main.py --env.experiment-name "my-experiment" \
--wrap.positions grav \
model:clean-rl-config \
model.network:rpo-transformer-embedding-config \
Most valuable parametes can be set throw command line. However some parameters are in files, here such parameters are outlined:
$\rightarrow$ switch distances:-
$\rightarrow$ radius of catch by leader -
$\rightarrow$ radius of interactions between pedestrians -
$\rightarrow$ raduis of the exit zone -
$\rightarrow$ raduis of the escape point
arguments passed to
usage: main.py [-h] [OPTIONS] [{model:sb-config,model:clean-rl-config,model:type}]
To use yaml config set the env variable `CONFIG`:
`CONFIG=<path-to-yaml-config> python main.py`
╭─ options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -h, --help show this help message and exit │
╭─ env options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ env params │
│ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│ --env.experiment-name STR │
│ prefix of the experiment name for logging results (default: │
│ test) │
│ --env.number-of-pedestrians INT │
│ number of pedestrians in the simulation (default: 10) │
│ --env.width FLOAT geometry of environment space: width (default: 1.0) │
│ --env.height FLOAT geometry of environment space: height (default: 1.0) │
│ --env.step-size FLOAT length of pedestrian\'s and agent\'s step Typical expected │
│ values: 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 (default: 0.01) │
│ --env.noise-coef FLOAT noise coefficient of randomization in viscek model (default: │
│ 0.2) │
│ --env.eps FLOAT eps (default: 1e-08) │
│ --env.enslaving-degree FLOAT │
│ enslaving degree of leader in generalized viscek model vary │
│ in (0; 1], where 1 is full enslaving. Typical expected │
│ values: 0.1, 0.5, 1. (default: 1.0) │
│ --env.is-new-exiting-reward, --env.no-is-new-exiting-reward │
│ if True, positive reward will be given for each pedestrian, │
│ entering the exiting zone (default: False) │
│ --env.is-new-followers-reward, --env.no-is-new-followers-reward │
│ if True, positive reward will be given for each pedestrian, │
│ entering the leader\'s zone of influence (default: True) │
│ --env.intrinsic-reward-coef FLOAT │
│ coefficient in front of intrinsic reward (default: 0.0) │
│ --env.is-termination-agent-wall-collision, │
│ --env.no-is-termination-agent-wall-collision │
│ if True, agent\'s wall collision will terminate episode │
│ (default: False) │
│ --env.init-reward-each-step FLOAT │
│ constant reward given on each step of agent. Typical expected │
│ values: 0, -1. (default: -1.0) │
│ --env.max-timesteps INT │
│ max timesteps before truncation (default: 2000) │
│ --env.n-episodes INT number of episodes already done (for pretrained models) │
│ (default: 0) │
│ --env.n-timesteps INT number of timesteps already done (for pretrained models) │
│ (default: 0) │
│ --env.render-mode {None}|STR │
│ render mode (has no effect) (default: None) │
│ --env.draw, --env.no-draw │
│ enable saving of animation at each step (default: False) │
│ --env.verbose, --env.no-verbose │
│ enable debug mode of logging (default: False) │
│ --env.giff-freq INT frequency of logging the giff diagram (default: 500) │
│ --env.wandb-enabled, --env.no-wandb-enabled │
│ enable wandb logging (if True wandb.init() should be called │
│ before initializing the environment) (default: True) │
│ --env.path-giff STR path to save giff animations: {path_giff}/{experiment_name} │
│ (default: saved_data/giff) │
│ --env.path-png STR path to save png images of episode trajectories: │
│ {path_png}/{experiment_name} (default: saved_data/png) │
│ --env.path-logs STR path to save logs: {path_logs}/{experiment_name} (default: │
│ saved_data/logs) │
╭─ wrap options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ env wrappers params │
│ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│ --wrap.num-obs-stacks INT │
│ number of times to stack observation (default: 1) │
│ --wrap.positions {abs,rel,grav} │
│ positions: │
│ - 'abs': absolute coordinates │
│ - 'rel': relative coordinates │
│ - 'grav': gradient gravity potential encoding │
│ (GravityEncoding) (default: abs) │
│ --wrap.statuses {no,ohe,cat} │
│ add pedestrians statuses to obeservation as one-hot-encoded │
│ columns. NOTE: this value has no effect when │
│ `positions`='grad' is selected. (default: no) │
│ --wrap.type {Dict,Box} concatenate Dict-type observation to a Box-type observation │
│ (with added statuses to the observation) (default: Dict) │
│ --wrap.alpha FLOAT alpha parameter of GravityEncoding. The value of alpha │
│ determines the strength and shape of the potential function. │
│ Higher value results in a stronger repulsion between the │
│ agent and the pedestrians, a lower value results in a weaker │
│ repulsion. Typical expected values vary from 1 to 5. │
│ (default: 3) │
╭─ optional subcommands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ select the config of model (default: model:type) │
│ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│ [{model:sb-config,model:clean-rl-config,model:type}] │
│ model:sb-config Stable Baselines Model Config │
│ model:clean-rl-config │
│ Clean RL Model Config │
│ model:type │
╭─ model.agent options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ select the parametrs of trainig the agent │
│ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│ --model.agent.exp-name STR │
│ the name of this experiment (default: rpo-agent) │
│ --model.agent.seed INT │
│ seed of the experiment (default: 1) │
│ --model.agent.torch-deterministic, --model.agent.no-torch-deterministic │
│ if toggled, `torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic=False` (default: True) │
│ --model.agent.cuda, --model.agent.no-cuda │
│ if toggled, cuda will be enabled by default (default: True) │
│ --model.agent.total-timesteps INT │
│ total timesteps of the experiments (default: 80000000) │
│ --model.agent.learning-rate FLOAT │
│ the learning rate of the optimizer (default: 0.0003) │
│ --model.agent.num-envs INT │
│ the number of parallel game environments (default: 3) │
│ --model.agent.num-steps INT │
│ the number of steps to run in each environment per policy rollout (default: 2048) │
│ --model.agent.anneal-lr, --model.agent.no-anneal-lr │
│ Toggle learning rate annealing for policy and value networks (default: True) │
│ --model.agent.gamma FLOAT │
│ the discount factor gamma (default: 0.99) │
│ --model.agent.gae-lambda FLOAT │
│ the lambda for the general advantage estimation (default: 0.95) │
│ --model.agent.num-minibatches INT │
│ the number of mini-batches (default: 32) │
│ --model.agent.update-epochs INT │
│ the K epochs to update the policy (default: 10) │
│ --model.agent.norm-adv, --model.agent.no-norm-adv │
│ Toggles advantages normalization (default: True) │
│ --model.agent.clip-coef FLOAT │
│ the surrogate clipping coefficient (default: 0.2) │
│ --model.agent.clip-vloss, --model.agent.no-clip-vloss │
│ Toggles whether or not to use a clipped loss for the value function, as per the │
│ paper. (default: True) │
│ --model.agent.ent-coef FLOAT │
│ coefficient of the entropy (default: 0.0) │
│ --model.agent.vf-coef FLOAT │
│ coefficient of the value function (default: 0.5) │
│ --model.agent.max-grad-norm FLOAT │
│ the maximum norm for the gradient clipping (default: 0.5) │
│ --model.agent.target-kl {None}|FLOAT │
│ the target KL divergence threshold (default: None) │
╭─ subcommands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ select the network params │
│ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│ {model.network:rpo-linear-network-config,model.network:rpo-transformer-embedding-con… │
│ model.network:rpo-linear-network-config │
│ model.network:rpo-transformer-embedding-config │
│ RPO agent network with transforment encoding │
│ model.network:rpo-deep-sets-embedding-config │
│ RPO agent network with deep sets encoding │
Outputs are to be saved in following directories / files:
$\rightarrow$ episode trajectoriy in giff -
$\rightarrow$ episode trajectory in png -
$\rightarrow$ trained models -
$\rightarrow$ ${exp_name}.txt
log of episode trajectories -
$\rightarrow$ tensorboard
logs -
$\rightarrow$ ${exp_name}.yaml
config of current experiment -
$\rightarrow$ wandb
logsExample of logging of conducted experiment