This is the source code for the DNA Center, Prime Infrastructure, EPNM and SDWAN events dashboard. Using the APIs of the platforms, we have developed a method to pull the events of DNA Center, Prime Infrastructure, EPNM, and SDWAN. The events are then displayed onto a dashboard, BMC incident tickets are generated for events of a specified severity, and Teams messages about the events are sent to a specified channel.
- Yashar Asgari: [email protected]
- Danielle Stacy
- Alexander Hoecht
- DNA Center API
- Prime Infrastructure API
- SDWAN vManage API
- Microsoft Teams
- Python 3.9
- Javascript
$ git clone
$ docker build -t [give docker container name] .
# -d is an optional tag to run the container in detached mode
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 [name given to docker container]
Create and Enter a Virtual Environment (MacOS and Linux)
$ python3 -m venv <NAME>
$ source <NAME>/bin/activate
Create and Enter a Virtual Environment (Windows)
$ py -m venv <NAME>
$ .\env\Scripts\activate
Use pip to install the requirements listed in the requirements.txt file
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ export FLASK_APP=src
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
# If configured correctly, this command should display the available paths of the
$ flask routes
# Initialize application database (only needed on first use)
$ flask init-db
# Start the application
$ flask run
This prototype was written without an instance of BMC, so the API calls currently are disabled. To enable the BMC API calls, the code must be modified in the following ways in order to retrieve an API token and then create incident tickets for DNAC and Prime. All of the modifications take place in src/
Uncomment lines 11-12 to make the api request to retrieve the token.
# resp =, auth=(bmc['bmc_username'], bmc['bmc_password']),
# headers=headers, verify=False)
Then uncomment lines 15-21 to extract the token from the API response.
'''if 'error' in resp.json():
print('ERROR: Failed to retrieve Access Token!')
print('REASON: {}'.format(resp.json()['error']))
result = ''
result = resp.json()['Token']'''
Finally, delete line 24 so that the result variable returned is actually the token.
result = 'TOKEN GOES HERE'
Uncomment line 49-50 to make the API request to create the incident ticket for DNAC
# resp =, headers=headers, data=body,
Then delete lines 51-55 so that the variable that is returned is the API response
resp = {
"URL": url,
"Headers": headers,
"Body": body
Uncomment lines 84-86 to make the API request to create the incident ticket for Prime
# resp =, headers=headers, data=body,
Then delete lines 86-90 so that the variable that is returned is the API response
resp = {
"URL": url,
"Headers": headers,
"Body": body
You may access the dashboard by opening the browser of your choice and entering the address
From here, you may sign in. If you have not registered a user yet, click the Register button on the sidebar and register a username and password Then sign in with those credentials.
Once you have signed in, you will be taken to a page to enter your credentials for DNA Center, Prime Infrastructure, BMC Remedy ITSM, and Microsoft Teams channel. When entering the credentials for these systems do not include http or https at the start of the ip address or url. Then click the Apply Settings button.
After the settings are applied, the dashboard opens to the home page. At the top of the home page, the connection status to your DNA Center, Prime Infrastructure, BMC Remedy ITSM, and Microsoft Teams channel is displayed. Below the connection statuses, the dashboard displays the number of DNAC and Prime Infrastructure events at the time of logging into the dashboard.
Clicking on the number of events will open a new page, displaying all the events associated with the system you clicked on.
The home page updates periodically, pulling in the new events from DNAC and Prime Infrastructure. The number updates to show the number of new events that have occurred since the last time the dashboard updated. If no new events have occurred, it will show 0 new events. Clicking on the number will still take you to the page displaying all the events associated with the system you clicked on. Every event that has occurred since logging on will still be visible on these pages.
Login page
Settings page
Home page
Events logs pages and alert
Provided under Cisco Sample Code License, for details see LICENSE
Our code of conduct is available here
See our contributing guidelines here
Please note: This script is meant for demo purposes only. All tools/ scripts in this repo are released for use "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to their installation, use, or performance. Any use of these scripts and tools is at your own risk. There is no guarantee that they have been through thorough testing in a comparable environment and we are not responsible for any damage or data loss incurred with their use. You are responsible for reviewing and testing any scripts you run thoroughly before use in any non-testing environment.