This is a very simple PHP library to the Pusher API ( Using it is easy as pie:
$pusher = new Pusher($key, $secret, $app_id, $channel);
$pusher->trigger('my_event', 'hello world');
You can either turn on debugging by setting the third argument like so, to true:
$pusher->trigger('event', 'data', true)
or with all requests:
$pusher = new Pusher($key, $secret, $app_id, $channel, true);
On failed requests, this will return the server's response, instead of false.
You can specify the channel either while constructing the Pusher object as described above, or while triggering an event:
$pusher->trigger('event', 'data', null, 'channel');
In order to avoid duplicates you can optionally specify the sender's socket id while triggering an event (
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