A CLI tool that can:
- Check the haveibeenpwned.com leaked password list to see if a given password has been leaked
- Generate a password string (with no matching records on haveibeenpwned.com)
- Generate a passphrase (with no matching records on haveibeenpwned.com)
The aim of creating this tool was to practice python (as I'm primarily a PHP developer) whilst also making something that I would use myself.
The password is checked using the haveibeenpwned.com API.
Don't worry - no passwords are sent anywhere!
The link below has more information, but the short version: it uses something called the 'k-Anonymity model' to search previously leaked passwords by the first 5 characters of a hash of the password, not the password itself. The password is hashed locally with a SHA-1 hash, and then only the first 5 characters of the hash are sent to the haveibeenpwned.com API. The API returns any matching hashes that start with those 5 characters (but only the remaining parts of the full hash string, i.e. they do not have the first 5 characters). The results can then be combined with the original 5 characters locally to find if any combined hash matches the full hash of the password. If a match has been found: that password has been leaked at some point.
More details here.
- Download the source code or clone the repository.
- Install requirements via the following:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- It's ready to go! Currently, this is how you run it:
python -m password_wizard {command} {arguments...}
python -m password_wizard check
python -m password_wizard password
-l LENGTH, Specify a length for the generated password.
--length LENGTH The length should be a number passed along with this option, for example '-l 20'.
The number must be between 5 and 20.
(default: 18)
-s By default, a full punctuation list is used when generating the random string.
To use only a set selection of special characters, e.g. only use a special
character from one of w '#!_', this flag can be set.
No value should be given, and a separate prompt will appear in which to enter
the special characters to use.
(default: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~)
-ns By default, special characters will be included in the generated password.
To exclude any special characters from being used, this flag can be set.
No option value should be given, and this option will override any other special
character related options.
python -m password_wizard passphrase
-w WORDS, Specify the number of words to use for the generated passphrase.
--words WORDS The number should be passed along with this option, for example '-w 5'.
The number must be between 3 and 8.
(default: 4)
-s, --separator Specify a separator between words.
No value should be given, and a separate prompt will appear in which to enter
a separator to use.
The first given separator will be used.
(default: No separator)
- Figure out how to properly package it
- Implement a GUI
- Add ability to point to a different wordlist to use
- Lookup a password against a list of bad passwords, and do not use if it's on the list
- Add a 'higher or lower' game: given two bad passwords, guess which of the two has been leaked the most amount of times