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Code for "Measuring irreversibility from learned representations of biological patterns"


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Irreversibility from representations License: MIT Python 3.11 DOI

This repository contains code for simulating complex Ginzburg-Landau (CGL) phase fields, training models to represent CGL and Rho dynamics in a low-dimensional latent space, and bounding irreversibility from latent-space representations using the Ziv-Merhav estimator. It is modified from simulator code by D.M. Winterbottom, VAE code by Y. Dubois, and VAE code by E. Dupont.

The simulator uses methods described in "Exponential time differencing for stiff systems". The default VAE uses the architecture and loss described in "Understanding disentangling in β-VAE" and "Disentangling by factorising", respectively, though the standard VAE loss from "Auto-encoding variational Bayes" is also implemented. The ZM estimator uses methods described in "Dissipation: the phase-space perspective" and "Entropy production and Kullback-Leibler divergence between stationary trajectories of discrete systems."

Table of Contents:

  1. Install
  2. Preprocess
  3. Train
  4. Plot
  5. Postprocess
  6. Examples


git clone your/path
cd your/path
mkdir -p {data/cgle64,results,postprocessing/results}
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Launch preprocessing/vid_to_dset.ipynb and set the location of saved raw_data to SRC_DIR in the first cell. Set DST_DIR to a location suitable for saving large datasets. Alternatively, run preprocessing/SimCGL.m to generate your own phase-field videos. Modify preprocessing/sim_noise.ipynb to add simulated measurement noise and preprocessing/vid_to_dset.ipynb to make datasets.


Copy dataset to data/cgle64/img_align_cgle64. For example:

cp -r "$DATASET_DIR"/sim_regime_vary/c1_-020_c2_050_dT_010_s_0 data/cgle64/img_align_cgle64

Run python <model-name> <param> to train and/or evaluate a model. For example:

python example_model_name --lr 0.001 -e 3

Results are generated in results, but should be moved to postprocessing/results after each experiment.

See below for details:

usage: [-h] [-L {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET}] [--no-progress-bar] [--no-cuda] [-s SEED]
               [--checkpoint-every CHECKPOINT_EVERY] [-d {cgle64}] [-e EPOCHS] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-c CUTOFF [CUTOFF ...]]
               [-i RECORDED_SAMPLE] [--lr LR] [--lr-disc LR_DISC] [-z LATENT_DIM] [-l {VAE,factor}] [--is-eval-only]
               [--no-test] [--eval-batchsize EVAL_BATCHSIZE]

PyTorch implementation of VAE and FVAE.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

General options:
  name                  Name of the model for storing and loading purposes.
                        Logging levels. (default: info)
  --no-progress-bar     Disables progress bar. (default: False)
  --no-cuda             Disables CUDA training, even when a GPU is detected. (default: False)
  -s, --seed SEED       Randomization seed. Can be `None` for stochastic behavior. (default: 1234)

Training options:
  --checkpoint-every CHECKPOINT_EVERY
                        Inverse frequency in epochs at which model is saved. (default: 2000)
  -d, --dataset {cgle64}
                        Training dataset. (default: cgle64)
  -e, --epochs EPOCHS   Maximum number of epochs to train for. (default: 2000)
  -b, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        Maximum batch size for training. (default: 10001)
  -c, --cutoff CUTOFF [CUTOFF ...]
                        Window of epochs for loss regression, number of epochs to plateau before break. (default: [16, 16])
  -i, --recorded-sample RECORDED_SAMPLE
                        Index of sample for which to record reconstructions at each epoch. (default: None)
  --lr LR               VAE learning rate. (default: 0.001)
  --lr-disc LR_DISC     Learning rate of factor VAE discriminator. (default: 0.0001)

Model options:
  -z, --latent-dim LATENT_DIM
                        Dimensionality of latent space. (default: 2)
  -l, --loss {VAE,factor}
                        Type of VAE loss function to use. (default: factor)

Evaluation options:
  --is-eval-only        Whether to evaluate using the precomputed model `name`. (default: False)
  --no-test             Whether not to compute the test losses.` (default: False)
  --eval-batchsize EVAL_BATCHSIZE
                        Maximum batch size for evaluation. (default: 10001)


  • Model at the end of training.
  • Model checkpoint after i iterations.
  • specs.json: Parameters used to run
  • training.tif: TIFF stack of a sample reconstructed at each training epoch. Only generated if --reconstructed-sample is not none.
  • train_losses.log: All (sub-)losses computed during training.
  • test_losses.log: All (sub-)losses computed at the end of training with the model in evaluate mode.
  • reconstruct_losses.csv: Reconstruction loss of each sample at end of training.
  • latent_logvars.csv: Model-generated latent log-variances for each observation in training set.
  • latent_means.csv: Model-generated latent means for each observation in training set. These can be used as Ziv-Merhav irreversibility-estimator inputs.


Run python <model-name> <plot_types> <param> to plot using pretrained models in results. For example:

python example_model_name all

This will save plots in the model directory results/example_model_name. Make sure the correct dataset is in data/cgle64/img_align_cgle64 before running!

See below for details:

usage: [-h] [-s SEED] [-z DIMS DIMS] [-f FRAMES FRAMES] [-c CENTER [CENTER ...]]
                   [-t MAX_TRAVERSAL] [-n N_CELLS] [--stack]
                   name {traversals,lattice,reconstruct,trajectory,all}
                   [{traversals,lattice,reconstruct,trajectory,all} ...]

Module for plotting trained VAE and FVAE models.

positional arguments:
  name                  Name of the model for storing and loading purposes.
                        List of plots to generate. `traversals` traverses each latent dimension
                        while keeping others at zero. `lattice` decodes lattice points in a 2D
                        subspace of latent space. `reconstruct` reconstructs the CGL or Rho video.
                        `trajectory` plots the projection of the latent trajectory onto a 2D
                        subspace of latent space. `all` plots all of the above.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --seed SEED       Randomization seed. Can be `None` for stochastic behavior. (default: 1234)
  -z, --dims DIMS DIMS  Indices of two dimensions spanning subspace containing lattice points or
                        trajectory projection. (default: [0, 1])
  -f, --frames FRAMES FRAMES
                        First and last indices to reconstruct as video. (default: [0, 300])
  -c, --center CENTER [CENTER ...]
                        Center of traversals or lattice. Must be broadcastable to length of latent
                        vector. (default: [0])
  -t, --max-traversal MAX_TRAVERSAL
                        Maximum displacement from center per latent dimension. (default: 2.0)
  -n, --n-cells N_CELLS
                        Steps per latent dimension. (default: 9)
  --stack               Return traversals and lattice as a stack of tiles. (default: False)


Use postprocessing/kld_rescale_compress.m to estimate irreversibilities from model latent means and training videos using a Ziv-Merhav estimator. Change paths at the top of the script to estimate irreversibility for a selected result. The ruler is provided in raw_data.


Before running scripts in bin, set DATASET_DIR to the same location as DST_DIR from preprocessing. Each script in bin runs a predefined experiment and saves to postprocessing/results:

  • Checks installation. Each of two results should have a name that describes <name>/trajectory.pdf.
  •,, Main simulation results, varying timestep, measurement noise, and CGL regime, respectively.
  •, Main experiment results, varying metabolic depletion and Rho pattern stability, respectively.
  •, Results used for hyperparameter tuning.
  •,,, Additional results used in supplemental materials.