A very simple API that will produce a JSON object containing each taskId and its state by invoking the mozilla taskcluster API.
The API returns a JSON object containing the taskIds and the associated status according to the graphId.
#Sample Output
#API URI's Option 1 - Returns the tasks and statuses based on the default graphId
http://localhost or http://localhost/tasks/status
Option 2 - Returns the tasks and statuses based on a custom graphId
There are two options for installing and running the taskcluster-api.
Can be installed on any platform that supports the Docker client.
Install Docker
Start the docker service
sudo service docker start
Pull the image
docker pull ckehoe/taskcluster-api
Start the container on localhost port 80
docker run -p 80:80 -t -i ckehoe/taskcluster-api # (add -d if you want it to run in the background)
Run curl against localhost to invoke the API (for additional options see "How to use the API")
curl http://localhost
The provided puppet script will download all required dependencies and start the API on localhost. It has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and the Amazon Linux AMI but should work for most version of linux.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y puppet
sudo yum check-update && sudo yum install -y puppet
Start the puppet service
sudo service puppet start
cd to the puppet directory
cd taskcluster-api/deploy/puppet
Install and Deploy the taskcluster-api
sudo puppet apply --modulepath ./modules manifests/site.pp
Run curl against localhost to invoke the API (for additional options see "How to use the API")
curl http://localhost
Use the nose module to test the application. Test scripts are located at taskcluster-api/tests/api_tests.py.
Go to the root of the taskcluster directory
cd {installation-location}/taskcluster-api
Run nosetests
WEBPY_ENV=test nosetests