This software package contains C++ programs for concatenating HDF5 datasets across multiple files into a single file by appending individual datasets one after another. In a typical neutrino particle collision experiment, the detector collects data into files over a period of time. Each file is labeled by IDs of 'run' and 'subrun'. Runs are divided into Subruns. A run can be, for example, one day of data taking and a subrun can be about an hour of data taking. Each file contains thousands of two-dimensional datasets, organized into hundreds of group, containing data describing the properties of a given particle type. To analyze the data, individual datasets are required to be concatenated one after another across all files, preferably in an increasing order of their run and subrun IDs. As the data amount and number of files from a given experiment can become very large, the performance scalability of such parallel data concatenation is important.
- Each file contains data from a single subrun only. All groups must contain datasets 'run', 'subrun', and 'evt'. Values in dataset 'run' in all groups in an input file must be the same, representing the ID of a run. Similarly, all 'subrun' datasets must be single-valued, represents the ID of a subrun. The run IDs among all input files must be the same. The subrun IDs can be different among input files.
- Each file contains multiple groups. The number of groups and group names must be the same among all input files.
- Each group contains multiple datasets. The number of datasets in a group can be different from another group. For a given group, the number of datasets and their names must be the same among the same groups in all input files.
- All datasets are 2D arrays.
- All datasets in the same group of the same input file must share the size of their 1st (most significant) dimension. Their 2nd dimension sizes may be different.
- Datasets in different groups may be of different 1st dimension sizes.
- Some datasets are actually 1D arrays whose 2nd dimension is of size 1.
- Datasets can be of size zero where their 1st dimension is of size 0.
- All the files have the same "schema", i.e. same structures of groups and datasets in groups, e.g. numbers of groups, and number of datasets in each group, and their names.
- The size of 1st dimension of a dataset in a group of an input file may be different from the one with the same name and group membership in a different input file.
- The same datasets in the same group but in different input files share the their 2nd dimension sizes.
- A single HDF5 output file will be created (the default create mode), unless the '-a' append mode is enabled. In append mode case, the output file must be a file that has been previously concatenated.
- For create mode, the output file shares the same schema as the input files, i.e. the same numbers and names of groups and datasets.
- The size of 1st dimension (most significant) of individual datasets are sum of the 1st dimension of the same dataset from all input files.
- HDF5 compression and data chunking settings can be customized by command-line options (see below.)
- A C++ compiler that support ISO C++0x standard or higher
- MPI C and C++ compilers
- An HDF5 library version 1.10.5 and later built with parallel I/O feature enabled
- If building from a git clone of this repository, then the below command
must run first. Otherwise, if building from an official release, this step
can be skipped.
git clone cd ph5concat autoreconf -i
- Run command 'configure'. An example is given below.
./configure --with-mpi=$HOME/MPICH/3.3 \ --with-hdf5=$HOME/HDF5/1.10.5 \ CFLAGS="-O2 -DNDEBUG" \ CXXFLAGS="-O2 -DNDEBUG" \ LIBS="-ldl -lz" \ --enable-profiling
- Option '--enable-profiling' enables timing measurement for internal functions and to report timing breakdowns on standard output.
- Run command "make" to create the executable file named "ph5_concat"
- Command-line options are:
mpiexec -n <np> ./ph5_concat [-h|-q|-a|-d|-r|-s|-p] [-t num] [-m size] [-k base_name] [-z level] [-b size] [-o outfile] [-i infile] [-h] print this command usage message [-q] enable quiet mode (default: disable) [-a] append concatenated data to an existing HDF5 file (default: no) [-d] disable in-memory I/O (default: enable) [-r] disable chunk caching for raw data (default: enable) [-s] one process creates followed by all processes open file (default: off) [-p] use MPI-IO to open input files (default: POSIX) [-t num] use parallel I/O strategy 1 or 2 (default: 2) [-m size] disable compression for datasets of size smaller than 'size' MiB [-k base_name] dataset name in group /spill to generate partitioning keys [-z level] GZIP compression level (default: 6) [-c] enforces the contiguous layout for all datasets (default: false) [-b size] I/O buffer size per process (default: 128 MiB) [-o outfile] output file name (default: out.h5) [-i infile] input file containing HEP data files (default: list.txt)
: Number of MPI processes.partitioning keys
: when command-line option '-k' is used, a new dataset will be created in each group in the output file, which can be used for data partitioning in parallel read operations. The new dataset, referred as the partition key dataset, is named 'base_name.seq' where 'base_name' is the dataset name provided in the command-line option '-k'. Contents of the partition key dataset are generated based on the dataset 'base_name' in group '/spill'. This base dataset must contain a list of unique integer values, stored in an increasing order, not necessarily incremented by one. The value range of base dataset, i.e. the minimum and maximum values, in one input file should not overlap with the ranges of any other files. An example is the dataset '/spill/evt'. A common practiice of parallel reads of the concatenated file is to use the data partitioning strategy that assigns dataset elements with the same values of 'run', 'subrun', and the base dataset to the same MPI process. These 3 datasets are referred to as 3-tuple index datasets. If this is the case, then users are recommended to first use utility program utils/sort_file_list to sort the input file names based on the values of run, subrun, and any additional datasets into an increasing order, and use them to run this concatenation program. This way, the partition key datasets created in the output file store a list of unique IDs corresponding to the unique values of 3-tuples, or N-tuple if the input files are sorted based on N index datasets. The unique ID values in the key datasets are consistent across all groups in the output file. When option '-k' is not used, the partition key dataset will not be created.- I/O buffer size: when command-line option '-b' is used with value 0, this is equivalent to set the size to unlimited, i.e. the concatenator will allocate a buffer large enough to write each dataset in a single call to H5Dwrite. In this case, users may encounter out-of-memory errors.
- I/O strategies: two I/O strategies (1 and 2) are currently supported. Both strategies share the same method for reading and writing the 1D datasets. For 1D datasets, input files are first assigned disjointly and evenly among all processes. Each process reads each 1D dataset entirely from the assigned files and writes it to the output files using collective I/O. The difference between staretgies 1 and 2 are for the 2D datasets. In strategy 1, all processes open all input files collectively using MPI-IO and read all individual 2D datasets collectively (i.e. shared-file reads), followed by all processes collectively writing individual datasets to the output file. In this strategy, all reads and writes are collective for each dataset. In strategy 2, each process reads datasets only from the disjointly assigned file (i.e. no shared-file reads) and then all processes collectively write each of the datasets to the output file. In this strategy, reads are independent but writes are collective.
- When using '-a' append mode, the output file must exist. The input files will be concatenated into the output file.
- When using both options '-a' and '-k', the partitioning key datasets must have been created previously in the output file and their names must be the same as the one used in '-k' option.
- There are four sample input files provided in folder
.- examples/sample_r11981_s06.h5
- examples/sample_r11981_s07.h5
- examples/sample_r11981_s08.h5
- examples/sample_r11981_s09.h5
- Sample run commands
The output shown on screen is stored in
mpiexec -n 2 ./ph5_concat -i examples/sample_list.txt -o sample_output.h5 mpiexec -n 4 ./ph5_concat -i examples/sample_list.txt -o sample_output.h5 -k evt
. - Sample output files
- The output files from concatenating the 4 sample files are available in
whose metadata dumped from command below is also available inexamples/sample_output.metadata
.h5dump -Hp sample_output.h5
- The output files from concatenating the 4 sample files are available in
% srun -n 128 ./ph5_concat -i ./nd_list_128.txt -o /scratch1/FS_1M_128/nd_out.h5 -b 512 -k evt
Number of input HDF5 files: 128
Input directory name: /global/cscratch1/sd/wkliao/FS_1M_8
Output file name: /global/cscratch1/sd/wkliao/FS_1M_128/nd_out.h5
Output datasets are compressed with level 6
Read metadata from input files takes 1.2776 seconds
Create output file + datasets takes 25.7466 seconds
Concatenating 1D datasets takes 158.8101 seconds
Writ partition key datasets takes 14.0372 seconds
Concatenating 2D datasets takes 114.4464 seconds
Close input files takes 0.0037 seconds
Close output files takes 0.4797 seconds
Input directory name: /scratch/FS_1M_8
Number of input HDF5 files: 128
Output HDF5 file name: /scratch1/FS_1M_128/nd_out.h5
Parallel I/O strategy: 2
Use POSIX I/O to open file: ON
POSIX In-memory I/O: ON
1-process-create-followed-by-all-open: OFF
Chunk caching for raw data: ON
GZIP level: 6
Internal I/O buffer size: 512.0 MiB
Dataset used to produce partition key: evt
Name of partition key datasets: evt.seq
Number of groups: 999
Number of non-zero-sized groups: 108
Number of groups have partition key: 108
Total number of datasets: 17971
Total number of non-zero datasets: 2795
Number of MPI processes: 128
Number calls to MPI_Allreduce: 3
Number calls to MPI_Exscan: 2
H5Dcreate: 25.6772
H5Dread for 1D datasets: 1.8583
H5Dwrite for 1D datasets: 170.2729
H5Dread for 2D datasets: 19.9304
H5Dwrite for 2D datasets: 93.9265
H5Dclose for input datasets: 0.0737
H5Dclose for output datasets: 0.0516
Read metadata from input files: 1.2782
Create output file + datasets: 25.7466
Concatenate small datasets: 158.8102
Write to partition key datasets: 14.0372
Concatenate large datasets: 114.4520
Close input files: 0.0124
Close output files: 0.4799
End-to-end: 314.8095
- Sunwoo Lee <[email protected]>
- Wei-keng Liao <[email protected]>
- Saba Sehrish <[email protected]>
- Marc Paterno <[email protected]>
- James Kowalkowski <[email protected]>
- Sunwoo Lee <[email protected]>
- Wei-keng Liao <[email protected]>
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) program. This work is a collaboration of RAPIDS Institute and HEP Data Analytics on HPC.