This is a nagios plugin (or it can be run as a standalone script) that will monitor the total traffic over an interface. Interface stats reset when a system reboots. To account for this, the script will record the interface traffic to a database after each run, and sum between reboots. This should only be used as a guide, and may not be an accuate representation of actual traffic passing across the wire.
To use it as a stand alone as CLI tool, run the script with --help for the full list of options.
The script will exit code > 0 if the threshold of in/out is exceeded within the time period. A summary is also printed. This script does not need to be run via Nagios, and could be used stand alone, or invoked via cron.
This project was moved from google code (
#./check_snmp_traffic --help usage: check_snmp_traffic [options] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --host=HOST host to check. --period=PERIOD timeframe (in seconds) for traffic threshold to occur within. eg 3600 to reset the counter every hour. --warnIn=WARNIN incoming traffic MAX in Mb to cause return warn --warnOut=WARNOUT outgoing traffic MAX in Mb to cause return warn --critIn=CRITIN incoming traffuc MAX in Mb to cause return crit --critOut=CRITOUT outgoing traffuc MAX in Mb to cause return crit --checkOnly specify this option for read only access to database. --dir=DIR directory to store persistance file. reccomend storing in tmp. do not add trailing slash --community=COMMUNITY SNMP Community. usually public. --currentLtLast=CURRENTLTLAST warn or crit - if current traffic is less than last recorded, usually indicates that host was reset. --emptyDb=EMPTYDB warn or crit - if the database does not contain this host. might indicate this server nagios runs on was reset. --snmpCommand=SNMPCOMMAND SNMP Command to use - snmpget or snmpwalk. snmpget by default --snmpIn=SNMPIN SNMP MIB for intrafce IN counter --snmpOut=SNMPOUT SNMP MIB for intrafce OUT counter --if-number=IFNUMBER the interface for the host. this is used only to differentiate data between multiple interfaces on a single host.
##Requirements: snmpwalk (yum install net-snmp-utils)