The Music on Blocks Project creats a nice wooden remote to control your sonos music system. The Project idea is heavely based on this project: and uses some stuff for the nfc reader from adafruit: Furthermore the Project uses SoCo: and Flask.
You'll need a raspberry pi with some linux on it. I always use a raspbian image, but it also should work on other images. After installing the raspbian, I recommend to change the default password and the hostname.
The whole box consists of a raspbery pi with a couple of different components connected to it:
- a rfid reader
- connected over spi or uart
- like RFID-RC522 (spi) or ...
- a rotary switch and two extra switches
- a led
I used the RFID-RC522 reader. It is very cheap an works, but the antenna is not very strong.
To use it we have to enable SPI Interface in the rasperry pi settings:
sudo raspi-config
in "Advanced Options" enable "SPI"
Installation SPI-Py (as root)
apt install python-dev
apt install gcc
git clone
cd SPI-Py
python install
The LED needs pigpio to correct fading. Pigpio:
cd pigpio-master
make -j4
sudo make install
Download the source: (perhaps you'll have to install git, python and python-pip)
git clone
change into the application folder
cd music-on-blocks
The Application depends on several external libraries. The easiest way to install everything is by running the following command (perhaps you'll have to run the command with sudo):
pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
Once all dependanices have been installed, rename
and edit the file.
Run python
to start the application. Then open up a web browser and visit http://raspberryPi:8080.
You can also use the, or call it from /etc/rc.local
im rotary habe ich bei mir den pull up auf ein pull down geändert (oder andersrum - daher funktioniert der rotery nicht richtig) - den rotary konfigurierbar machen, damit der auch beim johannes läuft.
Copyright (C) 2012 Clemens Putschli ([email protected] / @clemenstyp).
Released under the MIT license.