Inspired by awesome, awesome-dotnet, awesome-dotnet-core
A collection of libraries, tools, frameworks and software for OpenEdge ABL
Contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines and quality standard pages first. We also accept proprietary and commercial software, as long as they offer a free trial version.
As you may notice, almost none of the resources on this list are published by Progress. 😢
If you think open source is a good idea, don't hesitate to recommend it to Progress:
- CABL - Code Analyzer for ABL in SonarQube, allow to create openedge rules in SonarQube/Sonarlint
- CABL Rules - Commercial sets of rules, ready to use [$]
- vscode-abl/vscode-abl - Rich OpenEdge ABL support for Visual Studio Code, fork of chriscamicas/vscode-abl.
- BalticAmadeus/ProBro - VSCode extension for Progress OpenEdge Database browsing
- BalticAmadeus/ProPeek - An extension for Progress Openedge Profiler.
- BalticAmadeus/AblFormatter - VSCode extension for Progress OpenEdge code formatting.
- kenherring/ablunit-test-runner - VSCode Extension to integrate OpenEdge ABLUnit tests via the native API
- NickHeap/Ant Target Runner - Ant Target Runner for Visual Studio Code
- Riverside-Software/sonarlint-vscode - SonarLint for ABL in Visual Studio Code
- chriscamicas/vscode-abl - Openedge plugin with Compiler, Debugger,... [😴 inactive]
- ezequielgandolfi/openedge-zext - Another Openedge plugin [😴 inactive]
- bfv/openedge-devcontainer - VSCode devcontainer for OpenEdge Proof of Concept
- 3P : Progress Programmers Pal - An OpenEdge ABL (formerly 4GL Progress) code editor / IDE running on notepad++ [Depracated]
- PCT - A set of Ant tasks for the OpenEdge environment, you should/must use it !
- PCTTools - Library to provide additional tools to PCT
- ABLDuck OpenEdge automated documentation generation based on JSDuck (can be used with PCT)
- latte - Open Source Gradle Plugin (forked from grabl) to build openedge project, based on PCT [Depracated]
- OEDF - Non Open Source fork of latte 😡, developed by Progress. [Proprietary] [Free]
- genoas - Generate OpenApi Specification from JSDO catalog
- DataDigger - A dynamic, open source dataviewer for your Progress / OpenEdge databases
- opendege-profiler-parser - Progress OpenEdge Profiler data parsing to OpenTracing format by Baltic Amadeus
- InjectABL - OpenEdge InjectABL Inversion of Control container/Dependency Injection module
- Profiler Control Tool - Can be used to perform profiler analysis of a Progress based application. [Deprecated]
- ABLUnit - Unit testing framework for the ABL
- OEUnit - Unit testing framework for OpenEdge ABL before the ABLUnit [😴 inactive]
- OEMock - Create mock for test with OEUnit [😴 inactive]
- log4oe - Logging framework for OpenEdge ABL based on log4j [😴 inactive]
- Smart Component Library - The OpenEdge modernization frameworg for Desktop, Web and Mobile by Consultingwerk [$]
- ProTop - Progress OpenEdge Monitoring tool by White Star Software [$]
- tree-sitter-abl - Tree-sitter syntax parser for OpenEdge ABL
- Progress tools - Collection of OpenEdge tools: Piew ABL code editor, PL plugin for Total Commander, r-code decompiler [$], Xcode decrypter [$]
- ADE-SourceCode - Progress OpenEdge ADE Sourcecode uploaded by Consultingwerk 👍 (shouldn't that be done by Progress ? 😩)
- Smart Component Library Documentation - Documentation of Smart Component Library (Jira, Class documentation...)
- GenericService - Generic way of exposing an 'industry standard' REST api from ABL using PASOE and Webhandlers.
- OpenEdgeAnt - OpenEdge ANT build demo project
- OpenedgeGradle - OpenEdge GRADLE build demo
- SampleApp - Sample app for deploy
- OEDoc-sample - Sample Documentation Site generated with ABLDuck
- pug2024OEDocker - Material for a introduction to OpenEdge and Docker
- pug2024OTEL - EMEA PUG 2024 OpenEdge OpenTelemetry Workshop
Version | Fixes | Known Issues |
12.8 (LTS) | 12.8.6 12.8.5 12.8.4 12.8.3 12.8.2 12.8.1 12.8 | 12.8.6 12.8.5 12.8.4 12.8.3 12.8.2 12.8.1 12.8 |
12.7 | 12.7 | 12.7 |
12.6 | 12.6 | 12.6 |
12.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 |
12.4 | 12.4 | 12.4 |
12.3 | 12.3 | |
12.2 (LTS) | 12.2.17 12.2.16 12.2.15 12.2.14 12.2.13 12.2.12 12.2.11 12.2.10 12.2.9 12.2.8 12.2.7 12.2.6 12.2.5 12.2.4 12.2.3 12.2.2 12.2.1 12.2.0 | |
12.1 | 12.1 | |
12.0 | 12.0 | |
11.7 (LTS) | 11.7.21 11.7.20 11.7.19 11.7.18 11.7.17 11.7.16 11.7.15 11.7.14 11.7.13 11.7.12 11.7.11 11.7.10 11.7.9 11.7.8 11.7.7 |
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