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Clément Gallet edited this page Jun 18, 2014 · 2 revisions

Periodic check for evades during battle

For every frame in battle, function C2/111B is called. Every two calls of that function, battle timer ($3A3E, 16-bit integer) is incremented and function C2/5A83 is called.

For every call of C2/5A83:

  • if (low byte of battle timer % 16) n is < 10, manage entity number n (0-3: characters, 4-9: enemies)
    • increment entity's counter ($3ADC,X) by ATB multiplier (64 for normal, 84 for hasted, 32 for slowed)
    • if entity's counter is over 255:
      • remove 256 from entity's counter
      • if entity tries to run, call function (C2/5C1B):
        • if run difficulty ($3A3B, set at C2/5C73) is non zero:
          • increment entity's "run success" variable by a random number between 1 and a character specific value (see C2/0EC2 for how this value is set)
          • if entity's "run success" variable is >= run difficulty, character is successfully running (set corresponding bit in $3A38)
        • else (preemptive, side attack)
          • character is automatically running (also set corresponding bit in $3A38)
          • queue the flee command (see $4E91 with A = 0x2A)
  • else
    • subtract 10 from n
    • call function n:
      • 1/ Enemy Roulette completion (C2/5AFA)
      • 2/ Increment time counters (C2/5AFC)
      • 3/ Nothing
      • 4/ Nothing
      • 5/ Nothing
      • 6/ Check if characters run (C2/5B04):
        • if (low byte of battle timer & 0x70) == 0 and some characters are successfully running
          • queue the flee command (see $4E91 with A = 0x2A)

Character's own ability to run

C2/0EC2: BF B5 7C ED  LDA $ED7CB5,X  (character start level info)
C2/0EC6: 29 03        AND #$03
C2/0EC8: 49 03        EOR #$03
C2/0ECA: 1A           INC 
C2/0ECB: 1A           INC 
C2/0ECC: 8D DC 11     STA $11DC      (invert and add 2.  this gives you
                                      5 - (bottom two bits of Level byte) ,
                                      the amount to add to the character's
                                      "Run Success" variable.)


C2/28C9: A5 DC        LDA $DC ($11DC)
C2/28CB: 9D 71 3D     STA $3D71,X      (Amount to add to character's "Run Success" variable.  has range
                                        of 2 thru 5.  higher means that, on average, they can run away
                                        quicker from battle.)

Run difficulty

C2/5C73: C2 20        REP #$20       (Set 16-bit Accumulator)
C2/5C75: A0 08        LDY #$08       (the following loop nulls the list of enemy
                                      names [and quantities, shown in FF6j but not FF3us]
                                      that appears on the bottom left corner of the
                                      screen in battle?)
C2/5C77: 7B           TDC            (A = 0000h)
C2/5C78: 99 13 20     STA $2013,Y    (store to $2015 - $201B, each having a 16-bit
                                      monster quantity)
C2/5C7B: 3A           DEC            (A = FFFFh)
C2/5C7C: 99 0B 20     STA $200B,Y    (store to $200D - $2013, each having a 16-bit
                                      monster ID)
C2/5C7F: 88           DEY 
C2/5C80: 88           DEY 
C2/5C81: D0 F4        BNE $5C77      (iterate 4 times, as there are 4 list entries)
C2/5C83: E2 20        SEP #$20       (Set 8-bit Accumulator)
C2/5C85: A9 06        LDA #$06
C2/5C87: 14 B1        TRB $B1        (clear Can't Run and Can't Escape)
C2/5C89: AD 1F 20     LDA $201F      (get encounter type.  0 = front, 1 = back,
                                      2 = pincer, 3 = side)
C2/5C8C: C9 02        CMP #$02
C2/5C8E: D0 14        BNE $5CA4      (branch if not pincer)
C2/5C90: AD AC 2E     LDA $2EAC      (bitfield of enemies in left "clump".
                                      set in function C1/1588.)
C2/5C93: 2D 2F 2F     AND $2F2F      (compare to bitfield of remaining enemies?)
C2/5C96: F0 0C        BEQ $5CA4      (branch if no enemy on left side remaining)
C2/5C98: AD AD 2E     LDA $2EAD      (bitfield of enemies in right "clump".
                                      set in function C1/1588.)
C2/5C9B: 2D 2F 2F     AND $2F2F      (compare to bitfield of remaining enemies?)
C2/5C9E: F0 04        BEQ $5CA4      (branch if no enemy on right side remaining)
C2/5CA0: A9 02        LDA #$02
C2/5CA2: 04 B1        TSB $B1        (set Can't Run)
C2/5CA4: 9C 3B 3A     STZ $3A3B      (set Run Difficulty to zero)
C2/5CA7: 9C CA 3E     STZ $3ECA      (set Number of Unique enemy names who are currently
                                      active to zero?  this variable will have a max
                                      of 4, even though the actual number of unique
                                      enemy names can go to 6.)
C2/5CAA: B9 A8 3A     LDA $3AA8,Y
C2/5CAD: 4A           LSR 
C2/5CAE: 90 54        BCC $5D04
C2/5CB0: B9 21 30     LDA $3021,Y
C2/5CB3: 2C 3A 3A     BIT $3A3A
C2/5CB6: D0 4C        BNE $5D04
C2/5CB8: 2C 09 34     BIT $3409
C2/5CBB: F0 47        BEQ $5D04
C2/5CBD: B9 EC 3E     LDA $3EEC,Y    (get monster's status byte 1)
C2/5CC0: 89 C2        BIT #$C2
C2/5CC2: D0 40        BNE $5D04      (branch if Zombie, Petrify, or Wound is set)
C2/5CC4: B9 88 3C     LDA $3C88,Y    (monster Misc/Special Byte 2.  normally accessed as
                                      "$3C80,Y" , but we're only looking at enemies here.)
C2/5CC7: 4A           LSR            (put "Harder to Run From" bit in Carry flag)
C2/5CC8: 89 04        BIT #$04       (is "Can't Escape" bit set in monster data?  [called
                                      "Can't Run" in FF3usME])
C2/5CCA: F0 04        BEQ $5CD0  
C2/5CCC: A9 06        LDA #$06
C2/5CCE: 04 B1        TSB $B1        (if so, set both Can't Run and Can't Escape.  the latter
                                      will stop Warp, Warp Stones, and Smoke Bombs.  even though
                                      a failed Smoke Bomb gives a "Can't run away!!" rather than
                                      a "Can't escape!!" message, it just looks at the
                                      Can't Escape bit. )

C2/5CD0: 7B           TDC 
C2/5CD1: 2A           ROL 
C2/5CD2: 38           SEC 
C2/5CD3: 2A           ROL 
C2/5CD4: 0A           ASL            (if "Harder to Run From" was set, A = 6.  if not, A = 2.)
C2/5CD5: 6D 3B 3A     ADC $3A3B
C2/5CD8: 8D 3B 3A     STA $3A3B      (add to Run Difficulty)
C2/5CDB: B9 9D 3C     LDA $3C9D,Y    (normally accessed as $3C95,Y , but we're only looking
                                      at enemies here.)
C2/5CDE: 89 04        BIT #$04       (is "Name Hidden" property set?)
C2/5CE0: D0 22        BNE $5D04      (branch if so)
C2/5CE2: C2 20        REP #$20
C2/5CE4: A2 00        LDX #$00
C2/5CE6: BD 0D 20     LDA $200D,X    (entry in list of enemy names you see on bottom left
                                      of screen in battle?)
C2/5CE9: 10 09        BPL $5CF4      (branch if this entry has already been assigned an
                                      enemy ID)
C2/5CEB: B9 88 33     LDA $3388,Y    (get entry from Enemy Name structure, initialized
                                      in function C2/2C30 [using $3380], for our current
                                      monster pointed to by Y.  this structure has a list
                                      of enemy IDs for the up to 6 enemies in a battle,
                                      but it's normalized so enemies with matching names have
                                      matching IDs.)
C2/5CEE: 9D 0D 20     STA $200D,X    (save it in list of names?)
C2/5CF1: EE CA 3E     INC $3ECA      (increment the number of unique names of active enemies?
                                      this counter will max out at 4, because the in-battle
                                      list shows a maximum of 4 names, even though the actual
                                      # of unique enemy names goes up to 6.
                                      this variable is used by the FC 10 monster script
C2/5CF4: D9 88 33     CMP $3388,Y    (compare enemy ID previously in this screen list entry
                                      to one in the Name Structure entry.  they'll match for
                                      sure if we didn't follow the branch at C2/5CE9.)
C2/5CF7: D0 05        BNE $5CFE      (if they don't match, skip to next screen list entry)
C2/5CF9: FE 15 20     INC $2015,X    (they did match, so increase the quantity of enemies
                                      who have this name.  FF6j displayed a quantity in
                                      battle.  FF3us increased enemy names from 8 to 10
                                      characters, so it never shows the quantity.)
C2/5CFC: 80 06        BRA $5D04      (exit this loop, as our enemy ID [as indexed by Y] is
                                      already in the screen list.)
C2/5CFE: E8           INX 
C2/5CFF: E8           INX 
C2/5D00: E0 08        CPX #$08
C2/5D02: 90 E2        BCC $5CE6      (iterate 4 times, as the battle enemy name list has
                                      4 entries.)
C2/5D04: E2 20        SEP #$20
C2/5D06: C8           INY 
C2/5D07: C8           INY 
C2/5D08: C0 0C        CPY #$0C
C2/5D0A: 90 9E        BCC $5CAA      (iterate for all 6 monsters)
C2/5D0C: AD 1F 20     LDA $201F      (get encounter type.  0 = front, 1 = back,
                                      2 = pincer, 3 = side)
C2/5D0F: C9 03        CMP #$03
C2/5D11: F0 06        BEQ $5D19      (branch if side attack)
C2/5D13: A5 B0        LDA $B0
C2/5D15: 89 40        BIT #$40
C2/5D17: F0 03        BEQ $5D1C      (branch if not Preemptive attack)
C2/5D19: 9C 3B 3A     STZ $3A3B      (set Run Difficulty to zero)
C2/5D1C: AD 42 3A     LDA $3A42      (list of present and living characters acting
                                      as enemies?)
C2/5D1F: F0 04        BEQ $5D25      (branch if none)
C2/5D21: A9 02        LDA #$02
C2/5D23: 04 B1        TSB $B1        (set Can't Run)
C2/5D25: 60           RTS 

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