- refer to /network/rit/lab/lulab/share_lib/bash_profile_clin (WRF-Chem section)
- Cp /network/rit/lab/lulab/share_lib/WRF/HLC.TBL to your WRF run directory (e.g. /WRF/test/em_real/)
- Configure (Linux x86_64 options )
- WRF configuring: 15 (./configure (-D (for debug)))
- WPS configuring: 19
- Compile WRF
- salloc -p kratos -N1 (-w kratos-10)
- srun ./compile em_real > log.compile (2>&1 &)
- exit (Releasing Resources)
- WRF downloads https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/downloads.html , https://github.com/wrf-model
- Latest WRF updates https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/releases
- WRF online tutorial (environment) https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/compilation_tutorial.php#STEP4
- WRF online tutorial (install and practice) https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/Compile/arw_compile3.php
- Best practice of namelist.input (WRF) https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/namelist_best_prac_wrf.html
- Best practice of namelist.wps (WPS) https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/namelist_best_prac_wps.html
- ASRC wiki https://wiki.albany.edu/display/asrc/%27Kratos%27+cluster
- ASRC IT support http://support.asrc.albany.edu/
- Prepare MET IC/BC Input:
- GFS: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/model-data/model-datasets/global-forcast-system-gfs ,
- NAM: https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds609.0/
- Run geogrid
- Edit the configuration file “namelist.wps”
- Check domain: ncl util/plotgrids_new.ncl
- Run geogrid.exe