A Python Flask based microservice to authenticate and authorize. Uses Postgres as the database. This is a Json based REST API that provides authentication and authorization via JWT. All endpoints that require authorization to use must have a JWT token in the HTTP header 'x-access-token'. I'm probably going to change this for production as the microservices will sit behind an API server and the system will use public/private keys for encoding the JWT and won't need to call authorization on every call. This will reduce network traffic a lot.
This is a heavily refactored version of my earlier login microservice. It has been changed to a application factory to enable easier unit tesing amongst other advantages.
Please see this gist to see how this microservcie works as part of the auction system software.
To be completed
/authy [GET] (Unauthenticated)
Returns a list of endpoints and accepted methods for each..
Example output:
"endpoints": [
"methods": ["OPTIONS","HEAD","GET"],
"url": "/authy/ratelimited"
"methods": ["OPTIONS","POST"],
"url": "/authy/login"
"methods": ["OPTIONS","HEAD","GET"],
"url": "/authy/role/<role_name>/users"
/authy/login [POST] (Unauthenticated)
Returns a JWT token if authentication is successful. Uses an http POST auth as HTTP Basic Authorization has problems with utf8 characters in password and name fields.
Example input:
"username": "someuser",
"password": "somepass"
Example output:
"token": "dkk3FJpM9mnmEO0UHV-CPHAs6aIv5WPTa.dkk3FJpM9mnmEO0UHV-CPHAs6aIv5WPTa.dkk3FJpM9mnmEO0UHV-CPHAs6aIv5WPTadkk3FJpM9mnmEO0UHV-CPHAs6aIv5WPTa"
/authy/user [GET] (Authenticated)
Returns a the currently logged in users' details.
Example output:
"created": "Tue, 11 Jun 2019 10:03:09 GMT",
"email": "[email protected]",
"last_login": "Tue, 20 Aug 2019 09:13:43 GMT",
"public_id": "f38ba39a-3682-4803-a498-659f1cd8a304",
"username": "joeb"
/authy/user/<public_id> [GET] (Authenticated)
This is a method for administrators to bring back a particular users details. <public_id> is the publicly available uuid for a particular user. Administration methods such as this will eventually be spun out into their own microservice/api for extra security. When a user is deleted or deletes themsevles their details are retained but a delete flag is set. This is to prevent others re-using the same email or username.
Example output:
"created": "Tue, 11 Jun 2019 10:03:09 GMT",
"delete_date": null,
"deleted": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"last_login": "Tue, 20 Aug 2019 09:13:43 GMT",
"username": "joeb"
/authy/user [POST] (Unauthenticated)
Endpoint for user creation. Checks username and email and unique and password strength (using the dropbox password strength module zxcvbn). Returns the public_id of the newly created user.
Example input:
"password": "somepassword",
"confirm_password": "somepassword",
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "joeb"
Example output (successful user creation):
"public_id": "f38ba39a-3682-4803-a498-659f1cd8a304"
/authy/user/<public_id> [PUT] (Authenticated)
Edit user data. To be implemented. Unsure whether to just allow only password changing. What about email? Separate API endpoint or not?
Example input:
"password": "somepassword",
"confirm_password": "somepassword",
"email": "[email protected]"
/authy/user/<public_id> [DELETE] (Authenticated)
Endpoint for administrating user deletion. Sets the deleted flag and date but retains other user data. Not sure if this should exist at or here or be spun off into seperate microservice.
/authy/user [DELETE] (Authenticated)
Endpoint for (self) user deletion. Sets the deleted flag and date but retains other user data.
/authy/user/<public_id>/role [GET] (Authenticated)
Administration user endpoint. Get all roles for user defined by public_id. Not sure if this should exist at or here or be spun off into seperate microservice.
/authy/user/role [GET] (Authenticated)
Get all roles for currently logged in user.
Example output:
"roles": [
"description": "User",
"level": 10,
"name": "user"
"description": "Guest",
"level": 99,
"name": "guest"
- Creating a user currently fails the AWS part as the AWS microservice isn't finished and dockerized. When the dev version of poptape-aws is running a user is created without errors. As is, the user is created in the auth DB but the authy microservice still returns a 500 - as it's coded to do. Maybe change the return code to something else rather than 500?
Tests can be run from app root (/path/to/authy) using: pytest --cov-config=app/tests/.coveragerc --cov=app app/tests
Current test coverage is around 96%
This app can now be run in Docker using the included docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile. The database and roles still need to be created manually after successful deployment of the app in Docker. It's on the TODO list to automate these parts :-)
- Complete this documentation!
Add call to AWS microservice to create AWS user details.- Make test coverage more comprehensive.
- Refactor tests to mock AWS microservice call.
- Add auditing with calls to Rabbit MQ
- Make code pep8 compliant even though imo pep8 code is uglier and harder to read ;-)
- Automate docker database creation and population.