- Open clixwall_postback.php Enter secret password .
- Open templates/ModernBlue/clixwall.tpl Enter API code. Please note, Replace [API] with API code . Brackets is not needed.
- Your postback URL will be http://www.domain.com/clixwall_postback.php , Go to clixwall -> publishers -> edit site and make this as postback url.
You can access ClixWall by http://www.domain.com/clixwall.php
- Open clixwall_api.php and Enter secret password. You are not allowed to edit other details on API Page .
- Go To http://www.clixwall.com/my_marketplace.php -> Add -> Enter the details and submit API url will be http://www.domain.com/clixwall_api.php
Postback: https://www.clixwall.com/docs/postback
Integration: https://www.clixwall.com/docs/integration