A Node.js AWS Lambda script that converts the ELB logs written to S3 into JSON and pushes them to Loggly
- Clone the git repo
git clone https://github.com/cboscolo/elb2loggly.git
cd elb2loggly
- Optionally, edit elb2loggly.js with proper Loggly customer token and optional log tags. (You can set these as tags on the S3 Bucket that contains the logs.)
- Install require npm packages.
npm install
- zip up your code
zip -r elb2loggly.zip elb2loggly.js node_modules
The resulting zip (elb2loggly.zip) is what you will upload to AWS in step 1 below.
For all of the AWS setup, I used the AWS console following this example. Below, you will find a high-level description of how to do this. I also found this blog post on how to set things up using the command line tools.
- Create lambda function
- https://console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/home
- Click "Create a Lambda function" button. (Choose "Upload a .ZIP file")
* Name: elb2loggly
* Upload lambda function (zip file you made above.)
* Handler:* elb2loggly.handler
* Role:* In the drop down click "S3 execution role". (This will open a new window to create the role.) Before clicking the "Allow" button to save this new Role, click the "> View Policy Document", then edit and change the Aciton from "s3:GetObject" to "s3:Get*"
* I left the memory at 128MB. In my testing with ELBs set upload every 5 minutes this worked for me. You may need to bump this up if your ELB logs are larger.
* Same advice for Timer, I set it to 10 seconds. - Configure Event Source to call elb2loggly when logs added to S3 bucket.
- https://console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/home
- Make sure the elb2loggly lambda function is selected, then click 'Actions->Add event source' * Event source type: S3 * Bucket: Choose the bucket that contains your ELB logs. * Event type: ObjectCreated (All)
Configure the S3 buckets with tags the elb2loggly uses to know where to send logs. (Alternatively, you can hard-code these values in elb2loggly.js.)
Using S3 Management Console click the bucket that contains your ELB logs.
- Under Properties -> Tags add the following tag: * Key: loggly-customer-token * Value: your-loggly-customer-token
- And optionally this tag (will tag log entries in loggly): * Key: loggly-tag * Value: aws-elb (Or what ever you want.)
If your ELB logs contain private URL parameters such as authentication tokens, e.g.:
you can obscure this information when sending the data to loggly. Add an additional tag to your S3 bucket:
- Key: elb2loggly-private-url-params
- Value: authToken/10
This will obscure all authToken parameters with an obscure length of 10, e.g.:
- To remove a parameter totally use a length of 0, e.g. authToken/0
- To obscure multiple parameters use a double forward slash as a separator in the tag value, e.g. authToken/10//secretParam/0
I'll assume you already have your ELB set up, just not logging.
- Goto the EC2 Management Console under 'Load Balancers'
- Choose your ELB, and scroll down to Access Logs:, click edit. * Set Interval to 5 minutes * Set S3 Location to the bucket where you want to put your logs.