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IBM Cloud VPC MZR Template

This repository contains a template for creating a new IBM Cloud MZR VPC. It is intended to be used as a starting point for new projects.


There are currently three versions of this template based on branch:

Base Deployment (base branch)

Contains a single MZR VPC with a public gateway, subnet, security group and flowlogs collector.


Bastion Deployment (bastion branch)

Contains a single MZR VPC with a public gateway, subnet, security group, flowlogs collector and a bastion host.


Landing Zone Deployment (landing-zone branch)

Major WIP: This branch is currently a work in progress and is not yet ready for use.

Contains 2 MZR VPCs (workload and management) with public gateways, subnets, security groups, a flowlogs collector and a bastion host. The 2 VPCs are connected using a Transit Gateway.



Name Type Branch Description
Resource Group ibm_resource_group all branches Resource group for all deployed resources. If an existing Resource Group is not specified, a new one will be created.
Workload VPC ibm_is_vpc all branches Workload VPC with address prefixes, public gateways, and subnets in each regional zone.
Management VPC ibm_is_vpc landing-zone only Management VPC with address prefixes, public gateways, and subnets in each regional zone.
Frontend Security Group ibm_is_security_group all branches Frontend Security group allowing tcp/80, tcp/443, tcp/22 and icmp inbound and dns udp/53 outbound.
Bastion Host ibm_is_instance bastion only An IBM Cloud compute host to act as a Bastion for the VPC.
VPC SSH Key ibm_is_ssh_key all branches An SSH key that will be added to the region and any deployed hosts. If an existing key is not specified, a new one will be created.
VPC Flowlogs Collector ibm_is_flow_log_collector all branches VPC Flow Logs Collector for subnets in each zone.
Cloud Object Storage ibm_resource_instance all branches Cloud Object Storage instance. If an existing instance is not specified, a new one will be created.
Cloud Object Storage Bucket ibm_cos_bucket all branches Cloud Object Storage bucket for Flow Logs.
IAM Service Authorization ibm_iam_authorization_policy all branches IAM Service Authorization for the VPC Flow Logs Collector to write to Object Storage instance.
VPC VPN Gateway ibm_is_vpn_gateway landing-zone only Site-to-Site VPN Gateway.
Transit Gateway ibm_is_vpn_gateway landing-zone only Transit Gateway to interconnect the workload and management VPCs.


See Wiki for usage instructions.