Releases: cloudflare/circl
Releases · cloudflare/circl
CIRCL v1.6.0
CIRCL v1.6.0
- Prio3 Verifiable Distributed Aggregation Function (draft-irtf-cfrg-vdaf).
- X-Wing: general-purpose hybrid post-quantum KEM (draft-connolly-cfrg-xwing-kem)
What's Changed
- Add OIDs to ML-DSA by @bwesterb in #519
- Adds Prio3 a set of verifiable distributed aggregation functions. by @armfazh in #522
- Run semgrep cronjob only in upstream repository. by @armfazh in #526
- X-Wing PQ/T hybrid by @bwesterb in #471
- ckem: move crypto/elliptic to crypto/ecdh by @MingLLuo in #529
- hpke: Update HPKE code to use ecdh stdlib package. by @armfazh in #530
- prio3: Adds polynomial multiplication using NTT by @armfazh in #532
- Add Prio3 in readme. by @armfazh in #527
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.6.0
CIRCL v1.5.0
CIRCL v1.5.0
New: ML-DSA, Module-Lattice-based Digital Signature Algorithm.
What's Changed
- kem: add X25519MLKEM768 TLS hybrid KEM by @bwesterb in #510
- Create semgrep.yml by @hrushikeshdeshpande in #514
- repo: Some fixes reported by CodeQL by @armfazh in #515
- Add ML-DSA (FIPS204) by @bwesterb in #480
- sign/mldsa: Add test for ML-DSA signature verification. by @armfazh in #517
- Release v1.5.0 by @armfazh in #518
New Contributors
- @hrushikeshdeshpande made their first contribution in #514
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0
CIRCL v1.4.0
CIRCL v1.4.0
New: ML-KEM compatible with FIPS-203.
Commit History
- eddilithium3: fix typos by @bwesterb in #503
- Add ML-KEM (FIPS 203). by @bwesterb in #470
- Add ML-KEM decapsulation key check. by @bwesterb in #507
- Preparing for release v1.4.0 by @armfazh in #508
Full Changelog: v1.3.9...v1.4.0
CIRCL v1.3.9
CIRCL v1.3.8
CIRCL v1.3.8
- BLS Signatures on top of BLS12-381.
- Adopt faster squaring in pairings.
- BlindRSA compliant with RFC9474.
- (Verifiable) Secret Sharing compatible with the Group interface (elliptic curves).
- Update on cpabe/tkn20 ciphertexts,
What's Changed
- Implement Granger-Scott faster squaring in the cyclotomic subgroup. by @armfazh in #449
- Updates avo and CIRCL's own dependency. by @armfazh in #474
- Updating documentation for OPRF package. by @armfazh in #475
- group: removes order method from group interface by @armfazh in #356
- zk/dleq: Adding DLEQ proofs for Qn, the subgroup of squares in (Z/nZ)* by @armfazh in #451
- Reduce x/crypto and x/sys versions to match Go 1.21 by @Lekensteyn in #476
- Bump GitHub Actions versions and use Go 1.22 and 1.21 by @Lekensteyn in #477
- Adding rule for constant values by @armfazh in #478
- Add BLS signatures over BLS12-381 by @armfazh in #446
- group: Implements Shamir and Feldman secret sharing. by @armfazh in #348
- blindrsa: add support for all variants of RFC9474 by @armfazh in #479
- Explicitly installs Go with version before CodeQL analysis. by @armfazh in #481
- Bumps golangci-lint action by @armfazh in #485
- ecc/bls12381: Ensures pairing operations don't overwrite their input by @armfazh in #494
- Align to the
build tag, removingnoasm
build tag by @mattyclarkson in #492 - cpabe: Serializing ciphertext with 32-bit prefixes. by @armfazh in #490
New Contributors
- @mattyclarkson made their first contribution in #492
Full Changelog: v1.3.7...v1.3.8
CIRCL v1.3.7
CIRCL v1.3.7
What's Changed
- build(deps): bump from 0.3.1-0.20221117191849-2c476679df9a to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #467
- kyber: remove division by q in ciphertext compression by @bwesterb in #468
- Releasing CIRCL v1.3.7 by @armfazh in #469
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #467
Full Changelog: v1.3.6...v1.3.7
CIRCL v1.3.6
CIRCL v1.3.6
What's Changed
- internal: add TurboShake{128,256} by @bwesterb in #430
- Kangaroo12 draft -10 by @bwesterb in #431
- Add K12 as XOF by @bwesterb in #437
- xof/k12: Fix a typo in the package documentation by @cjpatton in #438
- Set CIRCL version for generated assembler code. by @armfazh in #440
- Add tkn20 benchmarks by @tanyav2 in #442
- Add partially blind RSA implementation by @chris-wood in #445
- Update doc.go by @nadimkobeissi in #447
- tss/rsa: key generation for threshold RSA (safe primes) by @armfazh in #450
- Bumping Go version for CI jobs. by @armfazh in #457
- Spelling by @jsoref in #456
- blindrsa: updating blindrsa to be compliant with RFC9474 by @armfazh in #464
- Releasing CIRCL v1.3.6 by @armfazh in #465
New Contributors
- @nadimkobeissi made their first contribution in #447
- @jsoref made their first contribution in #456
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.3.6
CIRCL v1.3.3
New Features
- ASCON light-weight authenticated encryption.
- Hybrid KEM for HPKE based on Kyber and X25519.
- CIRCL can be compiled both as static and dynamic linking modes.
- Fixes error-handling on rand readers.
What's Changed
- Use untyped consts for Kyber params by @tmthrgd in #398
- zk/dl: adds prefixed labels and updates nomenclature. by @armfazh in #396
- Bumping Go version. by @armfazh in #399
- kem: add P-256 + Kyber768Draft00 hybrid by @bwesterb in #402
- ckem: pass xof to elliptic.GenerateKey directly by @bwesterb in #403
- Adding Ascon, an AEAD lightweight cipher. by @armfazh in #400
- Add Ascon-80pq to cipher\ascon by @dhcgn in #404
- ascon: update formulas and check for API compatibility by @armfazh in #406
- all: enables dynamic linking, removes R15 is clobbered by @armfazh in #407
- ascon: Removes table of constants. by @armfazh in #408
- tkn20: prevent panics on key gen errors by @tmthrgd in #409
- expander,tkn20: remove superfluous Reset calls by @tmthrgd in #410
- Updating stdlib crypto library. by @armfazh in #413
- Reduce x/crypto and x/sys versions to match Go 1.20 by @Lekensteyn in #414
- Make ascon cipher go routine safe by @enj in #416
- tkn20,kyber,x25519,x448: plug constant-time leaks by @tmthrgd in #411
- Check for crypto/rand errors and ReadFull io.Readers by @bwesterb in #417
- Fix encapsulation seed size by @chris-wood in #419
- Add X25519Kyber768Draft00 experimental HPKE KEM by @chris-wood in #421
- hpke: Adding NonceSize function to AEAD. by @armfazh in #424
- hpke: Address always nil parameter. by @armfazh in #425
- hpke: update and move xyber768d00 test vectors by @bwesterb in #426
- hpke: fix encapsulation seed in test for xyber by @bwesterb in #428
- Remove scalar sha3 amd64 assembly by @bwesterb in #429
- Add HPKE benchmarks by @chris-wood in #434
New Contributors
- @tmthrgd made their first contribution in #398
- @dhcgn made their first contribution in #404
- @Lekensteyn made their first contribution in #414
- @enj made their first contribution in #416
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3
CIRCL v1.3.2
What's Changed
- oprf: Updating test vectors for VOPRF rc-rfc. by @armfazh in #388
- abe: Make golden files for cpabe. by @armfazh in #392
- abe: Improve test clarity by @tanyav2 in #393
- tkn20: change seed size for MAC key from 128->448 bits in accordance … by @tanyav2 in #394
- tss/rsa: Fixes RSA signature size. by @armfazh in #395
- Releasing v1.3.2 by @armfazh in #397
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
CIRCL v1.3.1
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1