Owl Shop is an imaginary ecommerce shop that simulates microservices exchanging data via Apache Kafka. You can use this tool to load test Kafka clusters or fill it with demo data. Because this tool is supposed to mimic a real-world like scenario this is obviously not as resource efficient as simple stress testers,
Unlike common load testers Owl Shop tries to mimic the behaviour of an actual microservice landscape. That means it will also send tombstones, messages with the same key on compacted topics and it also consumes messages from other topics via a consumer group.
Produced topics:
- ${globalPrefix}addresses
- ${globalPrefix}customers
- ${globalPrefix}frontend-events
- ${globalPrefix}orders
Note: Owl-Shop tries to create above topics with an appropriate config. If your Kafka cluster does not allow auto topic
creation, you are in charge of creating these beforehand. All topics except frontend-events expect a compact
cleanup policy.
Consumed topics:
- ${globalPrefix}customers (AddressService, OrderService)
You can configure Owl Shop via arguments and a YAML config. The main configuration should take place via the YAML config. Via arguments you must specify the filepath to your YAML config and you can configure sensitive input via arguments instead of putting them into the YAML file.
Available flags:
YAML config:
globalPrefix: owlshop- # Prefix to be used for clientID, consumergroupIDs and all topic names. Defaults to "owlshop-"
pattern: constant # Defaults to constant. Currently this is the only supported pattern
rate: # The number of pageimpressions to simulate on the shop / the specified interval duration. This roughly equals to the number of Kafka messages beind produced
duration: # Interval duration in which ${rate} page impressions shall be simulated (e.g. 500 impressions / 1s)
- bootstrap-brokers.mycompany.com:9092
enabled: true
username: johndoe
# password: set via flags
# gssapi:
# authType:
# keyTabPath:
# kerberosConfigPath:
# serviceName:
# username:
# password: # can be set via the --kafka.sasl.gssapi.password flag as well
# realm:
enabled: true # Defaults to system's cert pool
# caFilepath:
# certFilepath:
# keyFilepath:
# passphrase: # This can be set via the --kafka.tls.passphrase flag as well
# insecureSkipTlsVerify: false
clientId: OwlShop
level: info # Defaults to info. Valid values are: debug, info, warn, error, fatal
Env variables:
All config options can be configured via environment variables as well. Env variables that expect array values can be provided by providing a comma separated string ("kafka-0:9092,kafka-1:9092"). The env variable name is auto generated by upper casing the YAML equivalent and adding an underscore for each indentation/level.
Some examples:
- shop.kafka.brokers => SHOP_KAFKA_BROKERS
- shop.kafka.tls.caFilepath => SHOP_KAFKA_TLS_CAFILEPATH