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cloudlinux edited this page Apr 10, 2013 · 3 revisions

usage: dbctl command [parameter] [options]


set        set parameters for a db_governor
list        list users & their limits. It will list all users who had been active since governor restart, 
 as well as those for who explicit limits were set
list-restricted        list restricted customers, with their limits, restriction reason, and time period they will still be restricted
ignore        ignore particular user
watch        start observing particular user again
delete        remove limits for user/use defaults
restrict        restrict user using lowest level (or if --level specified, using the specified level)
unrestrict        unrestrict username (configuration file remains unchanged)
unrestrict-all        unrestrict all restricted users (configuration file remains unchanged)
--help        show this message
--version        version number


default        set default parameter
usrename        set parameter for user}}}
--cpu=N        limit CPU   (pct)  usage
--read=N        limit READ  (MB/s) usage
--write=N        limit WRITE (MB/s) usage
--level=N        level (1,2,3 or 4) specified


$ dbctl set test2 --cpu=150,100,7000,, --read=2048,1500,1000,800

sets individial limits for cpu(current, short, middle period) and read(current, short, middle, long periods) for user test2

$ dbctl set default --cpu=70,60,50,40 changes default cpu limits. All new limits will be applied immediately

To unrestrict user: $ dbctl unrestrict username

To unrestrict all users: $ dbctl unrestrict-all

To restrict user: $ dbctl restrict dbgov

To restrict user to level 2 restriction: $ dbctl restrict dbgov --level=2

To make governor to ignore user: $ dbctl ignore username

Delete user's limits, and use defaults instead $ dbctl delete username

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