- Cluster with ip addresses
- Ansible software
Go to hosts file in the ansible working directory and add the IP address under the group cluster.
Create the hosts file if necessary:
Add a variable to each IP address with the host name under host:
node1 ansible_host=“#ip” ansible_user=“cc” host=“abalaga-081”
We did not know about the cm cluster inventory command earlier and hence could not incorporate it into the code.
- Create two new groups, nimbus and supervisors.
- Nimbus group contains the ip address of the storm master node using the same format as above.
- supervisors group contains a list of ip addresses of the storm worker nodes using the same format as above.
Run the ansible playbook on the terminal using the following command, by using the command we have fixed the roles issue which we had earlier:
ansible-role cloudmesh.storm
Alternatively ansible-playbook may be used as follows:
ansible-playbook ./tasks/main.yml
Also, the above can be run by the following command, replace chameleon with different clouds:
ansible-playbook main.yml --extra-vars "cloud=chameleon"
Command to install the software on all the nodes and configures the nodes
Run the start zookeeper.yml file:
ansible-playbook startzookeeper.yml
Command to start the zookeeper server cluster
Create another host file with only ip addresses (nimbus should be first) and run the startStorm.sh file using the following command:
bash -s startStorm.sh
This command ssh’s to all the nodes and starts the storm processes (nimbus on master and supervisor on workers)
Any topology may be submitted to the cluster using the submit.sh file.
Create a jar file containing the topology. Ensure that StormSubmitter() is used in the Topology class (to deploy on a production cluster).
Move the jar to the ansible folder or download the jar file on GitHub.
Run the submit.sh file with the following command:
bash -s submit.sh <nimbus ip> <jar file> <name of topology> <name of the job to submit>
bash -s submit.sh “#ip” storm-starter.jar storm.starter.ExclamationTopology exclamation-topology
This job copies the jar file to the nimbus and runs the storm command to submit to the cluster.
The storm cluster is set up and a job is being run on the cluster.
To check cluster statistics, storm ui may be enabled.
- Type the IP address of the nimbus into a browser along with the port 8080.
- This opens the storm ui and the cluster details are mentioned.
- Currently running jobs are displayed.