Release Notes
Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release (2024-09-06)
Key Features:
- Temperature Monitoring: Real-time temperature monitoring using the DS18B20 sensor.
- Dual Temperature Display: Displays temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit on a 16x2 I2C LCD screen.
- User Greeting: Displays a welcome message when the device starts:
- "Welcome SIPP!" on the first row.
- "Let's get party!" on the second row.
- Temperature Update Interval: The temperature readings are updated every second.
- AR-NANOCH-TYPE-C: Arduino Nano clone for core functionality.
- DS18B20: One-wire temperature sensor for accurate temperature measurements.
- KC-1602-BB-I2C: 16x2 I2C LCD display for temperature and messages.
- 4.7kΩ resistor: Pull-up resistor for the DS18B20 sensor.
- Added basic error handling for sensor reading failures.
- Improved display clearing for more accurate temperature updates without flickering.
Known Issues:
- None reported in this release.
- Download and install the necessary libraries:
- OneWire
- DallasTemperature
- LiquidCrystal_I2C
- Connect the components as per the wiring instructions in the documentation.
- Upload the code to the Arduino Nano using the Arduino IDE.
Future Plans:
- Implement support for multiple DS18B20 sensors.
- Add the option to log temperature data for future reference.
- Include a feature to toggle the backlight via a button press.
What's Changed
New Contributors
Full Changelog: https://github.com/cloudsteak/arduino-djbooth-sensor/commits/1.0.0