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Releases: clue/reactphp-mq


28 Jul 14:14
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  • Feature: Improve Promise v3 support and use template types.
    (#41 and #42 by @clue)

  • Feature: Improve PHP 8.2+ support by refactoring queuing logic.
    (#43 by @clue)

  • Improve test suite, ensure 100% code coverage and report failed assertions.
    (#37 and #39 by @clue)


30 Sep 11:33
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  • Feature: Forward compatibility with upcoming Promise v3.
    (#33 by @clue)

  • Update to use new reactphp/async package instead of clue/reactphp-block.
    (#34 by @SimonFrings)


15 Nov 11:12
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16 Oct 10:43
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  • Enhanced documentation for ReactPHP's new HTTP client and
    add support / sponsorship info.
    (#21 and #24 by @clue)

  • Improve test suite and add .gitattributes to exclude dev files from exports.
    Prepare PHP 8 support, update to PHPUnit 9 and simplify test matrix.
    (#22, #23 and #25 by @SimonFrings)


05 Dec 08:46
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  • Feature: Add any() helper to await first successful fulfillment of operations.
    (#18 by @clue)

    // new: limit concurrency while awaiting any operation to complete
    $promise = Queue::any(3, $urls, function ($url) use ($browser) {
        return $browser->get($url);
    $promise->then(function (ResponseInterface $response) {
        echo 'First successful: ' . $response->getStatusCode() . PHP_EOL;
  • Minor documentation improvements (fix syntax issues and typos) and update examples.
    (#9 and #11 by @clue and #15 by @holtkamp)

  • Improve test suite to test against PHP 7.4 and PHP 7.3, drop legacy HHVM support,
    update distro on Travis and update project homepage.
    (#10 and #19 by @clue)


30 Apr 09:49
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  • Feature: Add all() helper to await successful fulfillment of all operations
    (#8 by @clue)

    // new: limit concurrency while awaiting all operations to complete
    $promise = Queue::all(3, $urls, function ($url) use ($browser) {
        return $browser->get($url);
    $promise->then(function (array $responses) {
        echo 'All ' . count($responses) . ' successful!' . PHP_EOL;
  • Fix: Implement cancellation forwarding for previously queued operations
    (#7 by @clue)


26 Feb 10:31
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  • First stable release, following SemVer

    I'd like to thank Bergfreunde GmbH, a German
    online retailer for Outdoor Gear & Clothing, for sponsoring the first release! 🎉
    Thanks to sponsors like this, who understand the importance of open source
    development, I can justify spending time and focus on open source development
    instead of traditional paid work.

    Did you know that I offer custom development services and issuing invoices for
    sponsorships of releases and for contributions? Contact me (@clue) for details.