This repository has moved here.
More detailed information can be found in the Wiki.
This is a system to grab the information about DQM jobs from DQM^2 site, parse it, removing sensitive information, and show selections outside the P5 are.
: Runs in the background, fetching information from each FU and BU machine.server.py
: Simple server to serve the front-end, including the Control Room.dqmsquare_cfg.py
- Called from bothgrabber
, it loads environment settings and creates a configuration object, which is used by the application. See.env_sample
for available settings.
The work is periodic: grabber.py
retrieves information for each machine specified in FFF_PLAYBACK_MACHINES
(depending on the arguments the grabber is launched with) through the SERVER_FFF_MACHINE
, storing it into the database.
Other scripts/files:
: The entrypoint of the docker container.
Folders in /cinder
: folder to put log files from thegrabber
and theserver
CR is a place to simplify the operations of DQM services. It send requests to DQM^2 on one of the playback machine at P5 where requests are executed. Secrets and versions of DQM^2 need to match DQM^2 Mirror requirements, please check for more info https://github.com/cms-DQM/fff_dqmtools
We are using the CMSWEB kubernetes clusters to host our Docker container, which runs:
- The web server (
), and - the two grabbers (
, one for production data, one for playback data).
The server is available to the Internet through the CMSWEB's frontend proxy. The grabber is also connected to P5 through the CMSWEB frontend proxy.
CMSWEB frontend requires by default authentication using a CERN grid certificate, so we are using one provided by CMSWEB team to k8 cluster.
The connection at P5 to DQM^2 is closed without authentication cookie defined in DQM^2 backend (fff_web.py
Environment variable values are attached to the k8s cluster using an Opaque Secret defined in the k8_secret.yaml
To store log
and tmp
, we mount CephFS. The claim for CephFS is defined in k8_claim_testbed.yaml
for the testbed cluster. In production and preproduction cluster, the CephFS volume is created by the cmsweb team. The Docker source image is python:3.12-alpine
cd dqmsquare_mirror; docker build -t registry.cern.ch/cmsweb/dqmsquare_mirror:<tag> .
docker login registry.cern.ch
docker push registry.cern.ch/cmsweb/dqmsquare_mirror:<tag>
- Update the k8 config yaml (
) to useregistry.cern.ch/cmsweb/dqmsquare_mirror:v1.1.0
- Log into
and run:
export KUBECONFIG=/afs/cern.ch/user/m/mimran/public/cmsweb-k8s/config.cmsweb-test4
kubectl apply -f k8_claim_testbed.yaml # (Only needed if this PVC has not been applied yet)
kubectl apply -f k8_config_testbed.yaml
to login into a pod:
kubectl get pods -n dqm
# find the pod name which looks like dqm-square-mirror-server-<something>
kubectl exec <pod name> -it -n dqm -- bash
While Service claim with port definition is available in testbed yaml manifest file, it is not supported by cmsweb (TODO: what does that mean?).
Deployment to the production cmsweb is similar, see: https://cms-http-group.docs.cern.ch/k8s_cluster/cmsweb_production_cluster_doc