Glossaire_XH shows a definition of certain words in your website and in newsboxes on mouseover.
- This word appears highlighted by a dotted line (configurable)
- The number of events is configurable
- The reference of the displayed definition can be configured for each individual template
- Also works in multilingual websites
- Plural is recognized (for supported languages)
Hello everyone For health reasons, I stop the development of the "Glossaire_XH" plugin. It will therefore no longer be available on my site.
If someone is interested in continuing it (respecting the license) and perhaps bring it up to date, I can provide information if necessary. It is enough to contact me (via MP or via the contact form of my site).
In any case, I am happy that Glossaire_XH could have been useful for a few during these few years and I want a long life at CMSIMPLE_XH as well as to this forum.
Wear yourself well and good luck. Ludovic