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cmb69 committed Apr 25, 2017
0 parents commit 6da2b6c
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Showing 32 changed files with 5,277 additions and 0 deletions.
286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions admin.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
* Morepagedata
* Backend
* @author svasti
* (c) 2015
* version 1.1

if (!defined('CMSIMPLE_XH_VERSION')) {
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');

define('MOREPAGEDATA_VERSION', '1.1');
if (function_exists('XH_registerStandardPluginMenuItems')) {
* Plugin administration
if (isset($morepagedata)) {
include 'funcs.php';
$o .= print_plugin_admin('on');

// check if data file exist, if not try to create it

if (!$admin || $admin=='plugin_main') {
if(isset($_POST['save_mpd']) || isset($_POST['mpd_import']) || isset($_POST['mpd_old'])) {
// receiving and saving changes
$o .= mpd_receivePostData();

// read the stored data, $raw_mpd is re-used in detecting values of former versions
$raw_mpd = file_get_contents($pth['folder']['plugins'].'morepagedata/config/config2.php');
$mpd = json_decode($raw_mpd,true);

// Plugin main view
$o .= $mpd_copyright;

// CMS is put into edit mode as 1.6 error message insist on edit mode for changing content, and
// page data are content since 1.6
$o .= '<form method="POST" action="' . $sn
. '?&morepagedata&amp;admin=plugin_main&amp;action=plugin_tx&amp;edit">'
. "\n".tag('input type="submit" value="'.ucfirst($tx['action']['save']).'"'). ' '
. tag('input type="image" src="'.$pth['folder']['plugins'].$plugin
. '/images/add.gif" style="width:12px;height:12px" name="mpd[add][0]" value="add" alt="Add entry" title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_add_on_top'].'"');

// start table for entering config data
$o .= '<table id="mpd" class="mpd_configtable" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3">'
. "\n";

// headline
$o .= '<tr class="mpd_darker">'

. '<td style="width:12px" >'
. '</td>'

. '<th title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_var_display']
. '">'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['field_display']
. '</td>'

. '<th title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_var_name']
. '">'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['field_var']
. '</td>'

. '<th title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_var_type']
. '">'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['field_type']
. '</td>'

. '<th title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_br']
. '">'
. 'br'
. '</td>'

. '<th style="width:2em;text-align:left;" title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_hr']
. '">'
. 'hr'
. '</td>'

. '</tr>'."\n";

// prepare option list for variable type
foreach ($mpd['var'] as $key=>$value) {

$mpd_type_select = '';
foreach (array(
) as $value) {

$selected = '';
if($mpd['type'][$key] == $value) {$selected = ' selected';}
$mpd_type_select .= "<option value='$value'$selected>$value</option>";

$mpd_brchecked = $mpd['br'][$key]? ' checked="checked"':'';
$mpd_hrchecked = $mpd['hr'][$key]? ' checked="checked"':'';

// input data 1st row
$mpd_up_title = $key === 0
? $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_top_var_up']
: $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_up'];
$o .= '<tr>'."\n"

// up button
. '<td style=position:relative;line-height:1;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;">'
. tag('input type="image" src="'.$pth['folder']['plugins'].$plugin
. '/images/up.gif" style="width:11px;height:16px;" value="true" name="mpd[up]['.$key.']" alt="up" title="'
. $mpd_up_title
. '"')
. tag('br')

// delete button
. tag('input type="image" src="'.$pth['folder']['plugins'].$plugin
. '/images/delete.gif" style="width:12px;height:12px;" name="mpd[delete]['.($key + 1).']" title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_delete'].'" value=TRUE alt="Delete entry"')

// Add button
. tag('input type="image" src="'.$pth['folder']['plugins'].$plugin
. '/images/add.gif" style="width:12px;height:12px;" value="true" name="mpd[add]['.($key + 1).']" alt="Add entry" title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_add'].'"')
. '</div></td>'

// display text in pagedata view
. '<td>'
. tag('input type="text" style="width:96%;" value="'.$mpd['display'][$key].'" name="mpd[display]['.$key.']"')
. '</td>'
. '<td>';

// variable name
// make $mpd['var'] read only so that the pagedata doesn't get messed up
$o .= $mpd['var'][$key]
? '<p class="mpd_variable">'.$mpd['var'][$key].'</p>'
. tag('input type="hidden" value="'.$mpd['var'][$key].'" name="mpd[var]['.$key.']"')
: tag('input type="text" value="'.$mpd['var'][$key].'" name="mpd[var]['.$key.']"')
. tag('input type="hidden" value="true" name="mpd[new]['.$key.']"')
. '</td>';

// choose type = functionality of variable
$o .= '<td><select name="mpd[type]['.$key.']" id="mpd_type['.$key
. ']" style="width:96%" OnChange="
if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value == \'option_list\'
|| this.options[this.selectedIndex].value == \'plugin_call\') {
document.getElementById(\'options['.$key.']\').style.display = \'table-row\';
} else {
document.getElementById(\'options['.$key.']\').style.display = \'none\';
if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value == \'color_picker\' || this.options[this.selectedIndex].value == \'slide_show\') {
document.getElementById(\'help['.$key.']\').placeholder = \''.$plugin_tx['morepagedata']['placeholder_automatic_help'].'\';
} else {
document.getElementById(\'help['.$key.']\').placeholder = \''.$plugin_tx['morepagedata']['placeholder_help_field'].'\';
; ">'.$mpd_type_select.'</select></td>'

// select br after variable in pagedata view
. '<td>'
. tag('input type="checkbox" value="1" '.$mpd_brchecked
. ' style="height:16px;" name="mpd[br]['.$key.']" title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_br'].'"')

// select hr after variable in pagedata view
. '<td style="white-space:nowrap">'
. tag('input type="checkbox" value="1" '.$mpd_hrchecked
. ' style="height:16px;" name="mpd[hr]['.$key.']" title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_hr'].'"')

// buttons to show hidden lines
. tag('img src="'.$pth['folder']['plugins'].$plugin
. '/images/help.png" style="width:16px;height:16px;cursor:pointer;"
if(document.getElementById(\'helpline['.$key.']\').style.display == \'none\') {
document.getElementById(\'helpline['.$key.']\').style.display = \'table-row\';
} else {
document.getElementById(\'helpline['.$key.']\').style.display = \'none\';
" title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_help_line'].'"')
. tag('img src="'.$pth['folder']['plugins'].$plugin
. '/images/template.gif" style="width:13px;height:16px;cursor:pointer;"
if(document.getElementById(\'templateline['.$key.']\').style.display == \'none\') {
document.getElementById(\'templateline['.$key.']\').style.display = \'table-row\';
} else {
document.getElementById(\'templateline['.$key.']\').style.display = \'none\';
" title="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['title_template_line'].'"')
. '</td></tr>'."\n";

$optionsline_visibility = ($mpd['type'][$key] == 'option_list'
|| $mpd['type'][$key] == 'plugin_call')
? 'style="display:table-row"'
: 'style="display:none"';
$helpline_visibility = $mpd['help'][$key]
? 'style="display:table-row"'
: 'style="display:none"';
$templateline_visibility = $mpd['template'][$key]
? 'style="display:table-row"'
: 'style="display:none"';
$placeholder = ($mpd['type'][$key] == 'color_picker' || $mpd['type'][$key] == 'slide_show')
? $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['placeholder_automatic_help']
: $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['placeholder_help_field'];

// input data 2nd row
$o .= '<tr '.$optionsline_visibility.' id="options['.$key.']">' . "\n\t"
. '<td></td>'
. '<td colspan="5">' . "\n\t"
. tag('input type="text" style="width: 100%;" value="'.$mpd['options'][$key]
. '" name="mpd[options]['.$key.']" placeholder="'.$plugin_tx['morepagedata']['placeholder_option_list'].'"') . '</td>'
. '</tr>' . "\n";

// input data 3nd row
$o .= '<tr '.$helpline_visibility.' id="helpline['.$key.']">' . "\n\t"
. '<td></td>'
. '<td class="right_aligned">' . $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['field_help_text'] .': </td>'
. '<td colspan="4">' . "\n\t"

. '<div class="expandingArea active"><pre><span></span>' . tag('br') . '</pre>'
. '<textarea style="width: 100%;" name="mpd[help]['.$key.']" id="help['.$key.']" placeholder="'.$placeholder.'">'
. $mpd['help'][$key]
. '</textarea>'
. '</div>'
. '</tr>' . "\n";

// input data 4rd row
$o .= '<tr '.$templateline_visibility.' id="templateline['.$key.']">' . "\n\t"
. '<td></td>'
. '<td class="right_aligned">' . $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['field_template'] .': </td>'
. '<td colspan="4">' . "\n\t"
. tag('input type="text" style="width: 100%;" value="'.$mpd['template'][$key]
. '" name="mpd[template]['.$key.']" id="mpd_template['.$key.']" placeholder="'
. $plugin_tx['morepagedata']['placeholder_template_list'].'"') . '</td>'
. '</tr>' . "\n";

// empty line to separate value groups
$o .= '<tr class="mpd_darker"><td colspan="6">&nbsp;</td></tr>' . "\n\t";


$o .= "\n".'</table>'
. "\n".tag('input type="hidden" value="true" name="save_mpd"')
. "\n".tag('input type="submit" value="'.ucfirst($tx['action']['save']).'"').tag('br')
. "\n".'</form>'."\n";

$bjs .= '<script src="'.$pth['folder']['plugins'].'morepagedata/js/autogrow.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';

$o .= searchMorepagedata_csv();
$o .= importOldMorepagedata();

} else {
$o .= plugin_admin_common($action, $admin, $plugin);

80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions changelog.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
by svasti

1.2 August 2015
- Ready for PHP 7 and XH 1.7
- Code improvements to prevent error messages on installing the plugin on PHP 1.7

1.1 (March 2015)
- improved backend display.
- bugfix (adding a new field in the backend and having an empty field first would overwrite the template
setting in the following variable)
- added possibility for default slide show
- provided for no javascript to display only one image (through css overflow:hidden)
- internal slide show can be disabled to use future external slide shows

1 (August 2014)
- admin.css and backend.css to replace stylesheet.css
- no more stylesheet.css as morepagedata is purely a backend plugin
- bug fix (thx to cmb)
- improved help file as suggested by albert
- new variables can be added anywhere in variable list, not only at the end
- input_field now autogrowing text area,
therefore text_area became superfluous and was deleted
- admin.php refactored into functions, which have been pout into funcs.php
- when a template tries to install already existing morepagedata variables,
this is refused, but the template is added to the template list of the variable
- Color Picker updated
- Updated help file and German help file

1 beta 4 (Dec 2013)
- external html files can be added to a page (suggestion of Maik of Jena)
these files can be organized in 2 levels (folder + subfolder)
- two stage selection (subfolder + files) in pagedata tab, if subfolders are present.
- plugins can be called via option list, will be added at bottom of page (Maik's suggestion too)
- title hints added in admin
- tool tip entry area auto expanding
- lots of adjustments (contributed by cmb) to make Morepagedata compatible to XH 1.6

1 beta 3b
- new code supplied by cmb for including his json function for php4

1 beta 3 (Feb 2013)
- variables can become "template specific", so that they appear only in the page data
tabs of pages of the specified templates
- internal variables renamed to form a multidimensional array
- variables are now saved as multidimensional json value for better speed
and smaller code. For php 4 servers json function by cmb included.
- possibility to add morepagedata.csv to templates to provide automatic
generation of pagedata variables
- morepagedata will scan all templates for these files (when in plugin main) and propose
to import and automatically implement these definitions
- order of variables can be rearranged
- improved checking for name clashing of variables
- color values now set to be entered with "#", which allows entering color names
- bug fixing

1 beta 2 (Nov '12)
- fixed bug: unchecking checkboxes couldn't be saved. (Got trick from stackoverflow how to do it)
- added check if newly added variables are already in use in the pagedata file

1 beta (Oct '12)
- deleted the automatic prefix to variables, because it created dummy variables in the
- added instead a check if newly added variables are already in use by the system

1 alpha 3 (Sep '12)
- change dividers in config2 from , to ; (to be able to use "," in help text)
- added field types "input_field", "textarea", "image_folder", "select_hiddenpages"
- java script opens in plugin main an extra line for input_field help text
and for option_list options (thus more than 1 option lists are possible)
- checkbox in plugin main for horizontal line after a field
- automatic addition of (editable) prefix to variables to prevent name clashes

1 alpha 2 (September)
- added configurable template image path
- added strip slashes for names
- Danish translation by Jens Maegaard

version 1 alpha (c)August 2012 by svasti
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions config/config.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@


5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions config/metaconfig.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@



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