You and your team will design and build an app using the MVC paradigm, create your own server-side API, add user authentication, and connect to a database..
The provided user story was:
AS A visitor to Mos Espa, in the Star Wars universe
I WANT to be able to buy and sell items
Create a market place so that members can trade goods.
Writing of a solution to resolve the situation, including:
- Layout
- Layout is responsive and functional on various screen sizes
- Simple, yet attractive design
- Logical layout
- Improved code visualisation - eg: indentation
- Error free loading
- Favicon designed and added
- Video background
- Javascript
- Error free performance
- Express Nodes to Handle backend server requests
- Front end response fetched from backend server
- Stores user session information for better user experience
- Multiple functions to separate aspects of code
- Thorough comments
- Express routes to handle client requests
- Public
- Code added to GIT public repository and Heroku for public access
- Numerous commits to track changes in code
- Unique filenames for better integration
- Functionality
- Simple and intuitive processes
- Colour variation over images to account for different background colours
- Custom animations for loading Cart items for a more aesthetic view
- Free user range to post, update and delete items for sale
- Follows the MVC model for a cohesive coding practice
The end code is stored on Github and hosted on Heroku, and publicly available and viewable.
- GIVEN a marketplace
WHEN I create an accountTHEN the application keeps me logged inWHEN I am inactive for a given amount of timeTHEN I am logged out from the applicationWHEN I am logged inTHEN I am able o list goods for saleWHEN my goods are listed for saleTHEN they are displayed on the homepageWHEN I want to buy an itemTHEN I view the item and add it to my cartWHEN I view my cartTHEN I am presented with a list of items, together with a total cost- WHEN I am happy with my selection
- WHEN I am able to proceed to checkout
- WHEN I go to checkout
- THEN I am able to enter card details to make a payment
- WHEN I purchase an item
- THEN it is no longer available to buy
WHEN I decide to log outTHEN my session is destroyed and I am unable to continue shopping
You can view the Github repo here HERE
The link to the live site is HERE
Alternatively, here is a GIF of the application running:
Written by Steve Barry - Kevin Peng - Nafisa Ali - Syed Hasnat - Due date 21/03/2022
© 2021 Trilogy Education Services, LLC, a 2U, Inc. brand. Confidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved.