Releases: cnoe-io/idpbuilder
Releases · cnoe-io/idpbuilder
- 2a9f196 Add registry-config option (#487)
- 6c0467e Create default passwords when dev mode is set. #441 (#442)
- 757fbc2 Expose the gitea ssh port on 32222 (#478)
- 765404b Fix wrong import and replace entity with types from printer (#477)
- 9925fb3 Improve the cmd: get clusters (#449)
- 6f834bc Improve the code to print the secrets using printTable (#464)
- 3b21af9 New command to list the custom packages (#466)
- a659417 Updates goreleaser.yaml to mark nightly builds as pre-release (#460)
- b8996ee add configuration steps to create a brew release (#271)
- 98b7234 add labels to applications (#461)
- 283e847 add support for http and https kind-configs (#480)
- 03559e6 allow /e2e in PRs to run e2e workflow (#462)
- 57bedf9 fix: e2e test by updating Secret output TemplateData (#467)
- 19937da fix: failing release job (#484)
- ef2384b fix: homebrew formula folder name (#486)
- 31f89dd fix: mark nightly release as prerelease (#485)
- 406cc03 handle command interrupt (#455)
- 4d9f1a0 prevent printing usages on error (#457)
- d14289a print url for codespaces (#456)
- 886c15f refactor pkg/kind (#482)
- 64d93ac upgrade gitea helm chart version (#488)
- 3c6ed6f upgrade kind from 0.23.0 to 0.25.0 (#481)
- 2a9f196 Add registry-config option (#487)
- 6c0467e Create default passwords when dev mode is set. #441 (#442)
- 757fbc2 Expose the gitea ssh port on 32222 (#478)
- 765404b Fix wrong import and replace entity with types from printer (#477)
- 9925fb3 Improve the cmd: get clusters (#449)
- 6f834bc Improve the code to print the secrets using printTable (#464)
- 3b21af9 New command to list the custom packages (#466)
- a659417 Updates goreleaser.yaml to mark nightly builds as pre-release (#460)
- b8996ee add configuration steps to create a brew release (#271)
- 98b7234 add labels to applications (#461)
- 283e847 add support for http and https kind-configs (#480)
- 03559e6 allow /e2e in PRs to run e2e workflow (#462)
- 57bedf9 fix: e2e test by updating Secret output TemplateData (#467)
- 19937da fix: failing release job (#484)
- ef2384b fix: homebrew formula folder name (#486)
- 31f89dd fix: mark nightly release as prerelease (#485)
- 406cc03 handle command interrupt (#455)
- 4d9f1a0 prevent printing usages on error (#457)
- d14289a print url for codespaces (#456)
- 886c15f refactor pkg/kind (#482)
- 64d93ac upgrade gitea helm chart version (#488)
- 3c6ed6f upgrade kind from 0.23.0 to 0.25.0 (#481)
- 78be2c2 Add substitution for aarch64 to installation bash script (#363)
- 5a13582 Add the missing parameters: answer auto (#403)
- 5febab5 Added config for gitea to support webhooks trigger (#388)
- a4a4383 Bump Go version to 1.22 (#360)
- 1baf788 Bump from 24.0.9+incompatible to 25.0.6+incompatible (#409)
- fba981a Change logging format (#370)
- 5c47cf7 Fixes #327: OCI Registry for use with path-based-routing (#313)
- 9bb8d89 Remove replace directives from go.mod (#383)
- f9d4964 Replace the hard coded DNS name of with {{.Host}} (#396)
- 81c61a6 Update readme, removing WIP and adding install info (#404)
- 3b04b1a Updated controller tools version (#369)
- 1c68879 Workaround for codespaces (#419)
- be892de add retry for getting credentials (#431)
- a29c580 bump to k8s 0.30.5 (#429)
- 385c649 ensure ingress port is available (#368)
- caf882e ensure ingress-nginx node label is applied (#377)
- edaa249 error out when configurations do not match (#418)
- 7a9bf83 fail pr action if git is in ditry state (#400)
- d966372 fix gitea registry for path based routing (#411)
- 12229d4 fix typo (#401)
- 36c22a1 generate gitea token (#392)
- 4f602a4 run controller gen to update crds (#371)
- f0de0f0 run generate command (#390)
- 1284628 update default k8s version to v1.30 (#381)
- d2c4a7a upgrade ingress-nginx (#373)
- 2902af3 use gitea NewClient to catch errors (#427)
- eab34d6 use kind labels field (#376)
- af755fd Add delete and list command (#101)
- 7396bbe Remove Package Dir Flag (#342)
- f82ac2c add basic retry for http requests (#350)
- 1fc6f1d add support for helm object (#340)
- 62afe1f cleanup commands (#348)
- b39daa7 fix logger format (#349)
- 3772620 move documentation to cnoe website (#343)
- f44f162 refresh argocd apps on exit (#341)
- a22d504 skip refresh if owned by app set (#354)
- 8099edd support matrix git generator (#338)
- 6ad027c use go template for gitea registry (#345)
- 632490d use right assert (#346)
- 71fefc7 use self-signed cert for argocd server (#352)
- 0088d94 Add Codeowners File (#311)
- 1d44e2f Add Package Flag and Mark Package-Dir as Deprecated (#309)
- 889367a Adding nightly builds to idpbuilder (#320)
- 283ae1b Docs for #282: added oci registry readme help text (#302)
- a4d6883 Enable code/dependency scanning (#323)
- 586a519 add email addresses to users in keycloak (#299)
- 9d3bdfa codespell: ignore generated manifests (#318)
- ef0fc09 configure core dns for internal name resolution (#317)
- ab5a003 delete nightly in the right place (#335)
- e62c997 ensure core package customizations are processed (#307)
- dd3b226 ensure latest stable version is downloaded (#332)
- 9ed2ad1 feat: Make argocd refresh faster, set from 3min to 1min (#301)
- 9cc3402 fix wording (#308)
- ee78c16 issue self signed certificate (#316)
- c609304 make flag description more clear (#291)
- e8e2319 remove examples directory (#280)
- 3ad1217 remove last nightly tag (#331)
- 8c7302f remove local issue templates for global (#292)
- 7d6bf1c remove remaining exmple files (#306)
- cb0bd30 update docker dependency version to address CVE (#294)
- 474821d update gh actions versions (#324)
- d6c83b7 use internally and externally resolvable git url (#326)
- 25caace Add localstack as addon package (#257)
- 830c5ea Adding support for ToFu Controller for Terraform Backstage Integrations. (#242)
- f556285 Allow for fetching packages from remote git repositories (#255)
- 921d9ef Automatically download kustomize and helm during make (#262)
- 078cf85 Backstage Integrations Upgrade for Terraform with TOFU - Doc Updates (#268)
- 512be2d Documentation Update for FluxCD and ToFu Controller (#251)
- c35c33e Enable gitea oci registry (#166)
- 08a1af6 Fix Incorrect ArgoCD and Gitea UI URLs in (#267)
- bd62b42 Fix pull policy (#236)
- a88f8e2 Fixing Typos and Versions (#253)
- fb7f792 IDPBUILDER Change for Backstage Integrations Upgrade for Terraform with TOFU (#265)
- ad84c13 add e2e tests for custom packages (#278)
- 1c40bbd add initial e2e tests (#239)
- 95f756c add json and yaml output format (#234)
- c5aa90c add pipe to bash script (#272)
- e900413 chore: add initial badges (#263)
- e6b8ea4 chore: add ldflags reduce binary size (#275)
- aa98ee6 chore: update kind dependency (#274)
- 3fa0784 enable serverside apply for tf-controller install (#249)
- 5e4aca7 ensure only yaml files are processed (#288)
- 313c346 envtest version 1.27.1 -> 1.29.1 (#270)
- a4e7fb7 feat: GitHub workflow Codespell (#256)
- 6a95dce feat:add embedded-resources target in Makefile (#233)
- 1ed5422 fix gitea client timeout (#258)
- e182fa7 fix go revision for argocd-api (#287)
- 9de1b80 fix recreate flag behavior when using finch (#185)
- 991586c parallel install core (#286)
- 4a972e3 remove html escape (#284)
- c13a570 remove problematic special chars for bash (#276)
- ce840e7 run e2e on go mod changes (#289)
- b104f0a set e2e timeout to 15m (#285)
- 087a9ad support app set (#266)
- 8822d97 update default image version (#240)
- c96f4ef use git providers (#205)
- 8094f56 Bug Fix on
Typo. (#217) - 0d546b2 Improve doc: container engine (#215)
- f883470 Updating
documentation for Backstage Terraform Integrations (#220) - 64660b3 add argocd admin username (#230)
- 6dfe2d8 add feature GH template (#228)
- d08aed5 adds the argo workflow to run terraform templates (#203)
- d5802b6 fix: print correct argocd url after cluster bringup (#223)
- 918f565 fix: rename gitea secret for better description (#224)
- f5f3bd9 update readme and contribute docs (#212)
- 0cdb311 Add metric-server to ref-implementation (#201)
- 990c137 Allow other KinD providers to work (#182)
- 1f9697b Do not allocate memory for system in kind (#200)
- 11eccd5 Fix Backstage labels for basic backstage template (#209)
- 54cd46a Persist restarts (#176)
- b5709eb Render external-secrets template to yaml (#181)
- 1767887 add bash-completion for devcontainer (#202)
- 8b1549b add get secrets command (#193)
- f60a780 add git client timeouts (#206)
- bfd3cd6 add labels to expose keycloak secrets (#194)
- 74dd98d add one default tag to avoid issues with Ready status (#190)
- d70e3b7 bump argocd version -> 2.10.7 (#207)
- fd4bd17 custom core packages (#180)
- 25aaed2 fix check for existing port check. bad nesting (#178)
- b84386b fix eso ns (#196)
- cec4153 fix readme (#172)
- a822dbd generate gitea password (#195)
- 47a2788 ref-impl: specify content type (#208)
- 11ac1d5 udpate spark operator url (#173)
- cfd151c update readme (#171)
- d6b8a8f (feat): Add codespaces/devpod support (#148)
- 6b704e6 Add reference implementation example (#138)
- d3a24e2 Fix #108: Add version command (#146)
- bf9be66 Fix #84: remove GitConfig from API spec (#141)
- 72fd623 We no longer install backstage by default so remove this from README (#149)
- 538e3b2 add velero and minio examples (#129)
- dd8abfb allow for logging customization (#130)
- 4806dd3 dont update localbuild resource status when shutting down (#140)
- df4305b ensure error is returned (#132)
- 69443ce fail if the idpBuilder is launched on a different port (#163)
- ea9c56e fix: Update backstage gitea location for catalog-info (#160)
- 5194086 generate ingress-nginx manifests (#133)
- 8385118 ignore unspecified packaegs when shutting down (#154)
- c7a8afa make the serving port for idpBuilder configurable (#155)
- 52783df re-work ref impl to use path based routing instead (#169)
- db35227 reduce log messages (#158)
- bc35d46 remove direct argocd package dependency (#145)
- 914ab02 set ingress-nginx buffer size to 32k (#151)
- 988756c support path based routing in core packages (#164)
- 92a7440 update default cluster version to 1.27 (#131)
- 95ca015 upgrade controller-gen v0.12.0 -> v0.14.0 (#170)
- e72ea96 upgrade controller-runtime and sync k8s package versions (#147)