Inventory Barcode Scanner is command line interface inventory keeping utility that allows the user to:
- Create their own database of barcodes and respective names
- scan items from a HID barcode scanner and store inventory scans in CSV format
- and much more as seen in the "Features" section.
Inventory Barcode Scanner requires no additional python packages to operate. To install, simply open terminal and:
- Change directory to your prefered folder
cd ~/user/Desktop/
- Clone the repo (this downloads the program)
git clone
- Change directory to the program folder
cd ./inventory_barcode_scanner
This program is split into two parts: and
- Run database creator so that your barcodes can be named in the output file. This is stored in the databases folder
- Afterwards, run to start scanning barcodes.
One of the key features of this program is creating folders that contain meta data of said folder. This data includes:
- FOLDER_INFO.txt that contains information such as date created, as well as the time and date at which each inventory was done.
- sum_of_inventories.csv which contains the sum of the qty of all inventory items scanned in that folder.