Simple dotnet core library contains to create/read xlsx/csv files in an easy way.
With the help of ExcelR you can
- Read or write file from/to disk or stream
- Write you list of objects to file
- Read data from file to your model
- Control the color/font of column write to the xlsx file
- Set diffrent heading style
- Can read custom property name with help of excelprop attribute
Lets we have test class and some sample data as follow
public class TestModel { [ExcelRProp(Name = "First Name")] public string FirstName { get; set; } [ExcelRProp(ColTextColor = "Red", Name = "Last Name")] public string LastName { get; set; } [ExcelRProp(SkipExport = true)] public bool IsMale { get; set; } [ExcelRProp(HeadTextColor = "Blue" ,Name = "Date Of Birth")] public DateTime? Dob { get; set; } } var sampleData = var list = new List<TestModel> { new TestModel {IsMale = true, Dob = DateTime.Now, FirstName = "Braat", LastName = "Lee"}, new TestModel {IsMale = true, FirstName = "Flintop"}, new TestModel {IsMale = true, Dob = DateTime.Now.AddDays(15), FirstName = "Michel"}, new TestModel {IsMale = true, Dob = DateTime.Now, FirstName = "Michel", LastName = "John"}, new TestModel {IsMale = false, FirstName = "john", LastName = "Cena"} };
- Get worksheet and write data to sheet as follow
var sheet = ExcelExporter.GetWorkSheet();//you can pass custom sheet name //File data in the sheet sheet.Write(dataToWrite);
- Save sheet to stream or disk
var stream = sheet.ToStream(); sheet.Save(filePath);
- Get worksheet from file or stream
var workSheet=ExcelImporter.GetWorkSheet(filePath) Or var workSheet=ExcelImporter.GetWorkSheet(stream)
- Read data from sheet
var data= ExcelImporter.Read<TestModel>(sheet);
var data = CsvHelper.ReadFromFile<TestModel>(sourceFilePath);
var sheet = ExcelExporter.GetWorkSheet();//you can pass custom sheet name
var rowNo=0;
//create header row
var headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowNo++,Style.H1);
//Set header values
headerRow.SetValue(0,"String property")
//Create data rows and fill data
foreach(var item in sampleData){
var dataRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowNo++,Style.H1);
//Save to file
//Output to stream