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=== CBX Office Opening & Business Hours ===
Contributors: codeboxr, manchumahara
Tags: business, opening hour, business hour, gutenberg blocks, elementor addons, wpbakery addons
Requires at least: 3.7
Tested up to: 5.7.1
Stable tag: 1.0.10
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Office opening and close time or business hours display

== Description ==

CBX Office Opening & Business Hours plugin for WordPress helps to display office opening hours or business hours. There is easy configuration at plugin setting page with exception days, in frontend it can be displayed using shortcode, widget etc. There is Elementor widget, WPBakery addon & Gutenberg Block support also.

### CBX Office Opening & Business Hours by [Codeboxr](

>📺 [Learn More]( | 🌟 [Upgrade to PRO]( | 📋 [Documentation]( | 👨‍💻 [Free Support]( | 🤴 [Pro Support]( | 📱 [Contact](

## 🛄 Core Plugin Features ##

*  Seven week days start and end time
*  Day exceptions. Any special day start and end time, multiple exception day possible
*  Quick reset all days, single day reset
*  Quick copy single day value to all seven days for easy setup
*  Compact display – yes/no (show same start and end days together)
*  Time format – 24 hours or 12 format
*  Day name format – Short day name or long day name
*  Opening days/day – seven days, today or custom day
*  Start of week configurable
*  Post Type integration
*  Post Auto integration

**▶️ Watch Video**

### 🀄 Widgets ###

*   Classic Widget
*   Elementor Widget
*   Gutenberg Blocks (From V1.0.2)
*   WPBakery(VC) Widget (From V1.0.5)

### 🧮 Shortcodes ###
*   Shortcode Format: `[cbxbusinesshours]`
*   See shortcode params details in [our product description page](

## 💎 CBX Office Opening & Business Hours Pro Addon Features ##
👉 Get the [pro addon](

*   Custom Post Type Support for auto integration
*   Need any custom features, contact us

### 🔩 Installation ###

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
1. [WordPress has clear documentation about how to install a plugin](
2. After install activate the plugin “CBX Office Opening & Business Hours” through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. You’ll now see a sub menu called “Office Business Hours” under setting, start from there, read documentation
4. Use shortcode or widget as you need.
5. If need try our [pro addon]( for extra features

== Screenshots ==

1. Admin: Seven days setting
2. Admin: Setting
3. Admin: Widget setting
4. Public: Widget frontend display
5. Admin: Dashboard widget
6. Admin: Dashboard widget setting
7. Admin: Shortcode in article/page edit
8. Public: Shortcode output in frontend display
9. Elementor widget support

== Changelog ==
= 1.0.10 =
* [fixed] PHP Warning fixed

= 1.0.9 =
* [fixed] Setting and Backend dashboard ui improved

= 1.0.8 =

* [fixed] Fixed a php warning for a wrong spelled php constant
* [fixed] Current day highlight wrong in some condition fixed
* [new] New param 'honor_post_meta' in shortcode

= 1.0.7 =

* [fixed] Gutenberg block register compatibility fix for old sites

= 1.0.6 =

* [added] Post type integration (Add business hours as post meta and displays in frontend)
* [update] All widgets and shortcode update to adjust post type integration, post_id extra param in shortcode

= 1.0.5 =

* [added] New option  added in settings to control which user role can see dashboard widget
* [added] New option  added in settings to control enable/disable dashboard
* [added] WPBakery widget Added
* [updated] Shortcode : New param title, before_text, after_text
* [updated] Elementor Widget: New field title, before_text, after_text
* [updated] Gutenberg Widget: New field title, before_text, after_text
* [updated] Backend Style improved
* [added] Highlight today in 7 days format

= 1.0.4 =
* [New] Shortcode now supports new param 'start_of_week' which value are 0 = sun, 1= mon  ..., default takes from global setting
* [New] Show custom message in day row if available

= 1.0.3 =
* [Bug fix] Elementor widget loading conflict issue solved

= 1.0.2 =
* Added custom date in elementor widget
* Gutenberg block widget added

= 1.0.1 =
* Minor improvements
* Backend demo show and shortcode copy option

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial relesae