go get "github.com/codemodus/config"
Package config provides an interface and initialization function for handling configuration values stored as JSON. The JSON structure is defined by a user configurable struct which implements Configurator. Nested Configurator instances by calling Init within the parent's InitPost.
func Init(c Configurator, file string) (err error)
type Config
func (c *Config) InitPost() error
type Configurator
import (
func main() {
myConf := &struct {
SampleText string
TestText string
if err := config.Init(myConf, "test_dir/config.json"); err != nil {
fmt.Println(myConf.SampleText) // "sampled"
fmt.Println(myConf.TestText) // "tested"
"SampleText": "sampled",
"TestText": "tested"
type testConf struct {
// Not needed because InitPost() is defined.
// *config.Config
SampleText string
TestText string
func (tc *testConf) InitPost() error {
emConf := &embeddedConf{}
if err := config.Init(emConf, "test_dir/config2.json"); err != nil {
return err
tc.embeddedConf = emConf
return nil
type embeddedConf struct {
SampleText2 string
TestText2 string
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