Datajson is a data handler type bson that offers ODM environment giving all a simple and solid structure for processing.
Its structure is inspired by the Mongoose ODM. Using similar resources to handle and manipulate files type json
var datajson = require('datajson')({
'path' : '/path/app/data',
'modelPath' : '/path/app/model'
var model = datajson.model; // all model load
The setting options are Datajson:
- path : Path where the files will be saved, default: dirname
- indenting : If not required indentation for the writing of files, null, otherwise set to decimal values or '\t'. These data will be passed as the third parameter of JSON.stringify()
- ext : json file extension, default: .json
- modelPath : the model file path
You can deploy directly from the file templates that are working. But for better organization suggest that write in a separate folder, with this example.
File: /model/profile.js
module.exports = function(Model){
return new Model({
name: 'profile',
schema: {
name: {
required: true,
type: String
description: String,
active: {
default: false,
type: Boolean
categorie: {
default: 'dev',
type: String
birth: {
required: true,
type: Date
age: Number
From the model you can manipulate your bank as an MDG
These are the methods of model
- add : Inserts a new line.
- update : Updates values of one or more lines
- delete : Delete a specific line
- find : Search and returns values
- findOne : Search and returns the first value found
- findOne : Search and returns the first value found
- findById : Search for a specific id
- query : Defines a query
- date : Sets past values for a line
- drop : Completely removes a file
- save : Concludes the methods add, update and remove returns a registered entity and ready for use
- exec : Executes methods find's, return entity or object list
- then : Used to set a callback to treatment result of the action.
And, Or and Not
- $eq : Matches values that are equal to a specified value.
- $gt : Matches values that are greater than a specified value.
- $gte : Matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value.
- $lt : Matches values that are less than a specified value.
- $lte : Matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value.
- $in : Matches any of the values specified in an array.
- $nin : Matches none of the values specified in an array.
The query can be applied in the search methods, or by adding query method.
model.profile.find({"age" : { "$gt" : 18 } })
In this example we get the data from all major profiles 18 years of age. If we want to get over 18 or disabled the profile would be like this:
"$or" : { "age" : { "$gt" : 18 }, "active" : false }
Let's find users with the name Philippe or Martin, age less than or equal to 20 years and above 15 years. For this we will use the names regex
"$or" : [
{"name" : /philippe/gi},
{"name" : /martin/gi}
"$and" : [
{"age" : { "$eq": 15 }},
{"age" : { "$lte": 20 }}
In line 32 of /src/datajson.js you will find this:
var model = require(path.resolve(modelPath, file))(Model).init(merge(true, defaultConfig, config))
But it should be like this:
var model = require(path.resolve(modelPath, file))(Model).init(config)
It happens that when passing the value to the variable 'config' for some reason for me unknown variable is populated by several values which are the Model properties. The only solution I found was to pass again the merge function, so the config is not changed. Surely this is happening for some stupid of me. So if you know a solution, be sure to contribute