This is a microservices built show catalog application built with the following specifications
- JDK: OpenJDK 11
- Framework: Spring / Spring Boot
- DB: PostgreSQL
- Dependency manager: Maven
- ORM implementation: Hibernate
- Log: Log4j2
- Doc generation from API: springdoc-openapi
- Server HTTP: Tomcat
- Swagger
Setting up the microservices:
docker compose
Downloading and running Java project:
cd epcsd-spring-showcatalog-main
mvn clean install
java -jar showcatalog-VERSION.jar
cd epcsd-spring-notification-main
mvn clean install
java -jar notification-VERSION.jar
Swagger: http://localhost:18081/swagger-ui/index.html
OpenApi: http://localhost:18081/v3/api-docs/
Official website: