A curated list of resources on Coder.
Your contributions are welcome!
Software development on your infrastructure. Offload your team's development from local workstations to cloud servers. Onboard developers in minutes. Build, test and compile at the speed of the cloud. Keep your source code and data behind your firewall.
"By leveraging Terraform, Coder lets developers run an IDE on any compute platform including on-prem, AWS, Azure, GCP, DigitalOcean, Kubernetes, Docker, and more, with workspaces running on Linux, Windows, or Mac." - Kevin Fishner Chief of Staff at HashiCorp
- Official Resources
- Books
- Tutorials and Blog Posts
- IDEs
- Templates
- Talks and Videos
- Companies using Coder
- Case Studies (Palantir, Forrester)
- Documentation
- Blog
- Press kit & Brand styleguide
- Presentations
- Discord
- Mastodon
- The Benefits of Remote Ephemeral Workspaces
- Laptop development is dead: why remote development is the future
- Coder OSS on GKE with Terraform in <20 minutes
Coder maintains an official list of comparisons in the coder/coder README.md. Please file an issue if any of the information in that section is out of date. See also: what Coder is not
- Provision Coder with Terraform - Coder OSS on GKE with Terraform in <20 minutes.
- Update Coder Template - A GitHub action to automate coder template changes.
- Provision Coder with Lima - Linux virtual machines, typically on macOS, for running containerd.
- Coder on Hetzner Cloud - One-shot deployment for Coder on Hetzner Cloud
sharkymark/v2-templates - A large collection of templates.
ntimo/coder-hetzner-cloud-template - Setup a Hetzner Cloud instance as dev environment with or without vscode.
matifali/coder-templates - Deeplearning with Jupyter Notebook/Lab and Matlab in browser.
m.lan/coder-templates - Kubernetes template with Docker in Docker (DinD)
bpmct/coder-templates/proxmox-vm - Develop in a Proxmox VM.
bpmct/coder-templates/shared-mac - Connect a pre-provisioned Mac device and provision system users as workspaces
denbeigh2000/coder-templates/aws-nixos - Manage a NixOS development workspace on EC2.
denbeigh2000/coder-templates/aws-spot-nixos-graviton - Manage a NixOS development workspace on EC2 with Graviton Spot Instances.
denbeigh2000/coder-templates/aws-spot-nixos - Manage a NixOS development workspace on EC2 with Spot Instances.
8Bitz0/coder-rust-template - Coder templates with various Linux distros for out-of-the-box Rust development.
uwu/basic-env - Docker-based NodeJS development environment with code-server, NoVNC and dotfiles support out of the box
sulo1337/coder-kubevirt-template - Kubevirt-based development environment which provisions KVM virtual machines as coder workspaces on top of a Kubernetes cluster.
To the extent possible under law, Coder has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.