A simple mapping from a remote method name to execution of code.
The Remote Method API is an alternative to REST. Instead of limiting oneself to the built-in and inextensible HTTP methods POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and GET, with a Remote Method API you can use as many methods as you need and also name them as you like. The HTTP method names do not fit with the standard CRUD (create, read, update, delete) method names.
This package uses the interface RemoteMethodCall
of package remote-method-call.
To carry out a remote method call from inside the browser take a look at the package postonly-request. It uses the HTTP usage style POSTonly which minimizes the locations were parameters are put into. Basically does it use the POST HTTP method only and every parameter is put inside the body of the HTTP message. It is an alternative to the REST usage style of HTTTP.
There is also a branch which is adjusted for the use with the Coderitter API architecture.
npm install remote-method-api
This package works in conjunction with remote-method-call
which provides a simple interface to describe a remote method call.
interface RemoteMethodCall {
method: string
parameter?: any
import { RemoteMethodApi } from 'remote-method-api'
let api = new RemoteMethodApi
// register remote methods
api.methods = {
'User.create': async (parameter: any) => { return 'success' },
'User.read': async (parameter: any) => { return [] },
'User.update': async (parameter: any) => { return 'success' },
'User.delete': async (parameter: any) => { return 'success' }
let remoteMethodCall: RemoteMethodCall = {
method: 'User.create',
// the parameter can be of any type
parameter: { name: 'Ruben' }
let result = await api.callMethod(remoteMethodCall)
result == 'success'
If the remotely called method throws an exception then a simple object containing an error property with an error message is returned by method callMethod
{ error: `There was an error while executing remote method '${method}': ${e.message}` }
You can customize this behaviour by subclassing RemoteMethodApi
class YourApi extends RemoteMethodApi {
onMethodError(error: any, method: string, parameter: any): any {
return new YourError(error, method, parameter)
If the remotely called method is not supported then a simple object containing an error property with an error message is return by method callMethod
{ error: `Remote method '${method}' not supported.` }
You can customize this behaviour by subclassing RemoteMethodApi
class YourApi extends RemoteMethodApi {
onRemoteMethodNotSupported(method: string, parameter: any): any {
return new YourError(method, parameter)
Instead of assigning a remote method call directly as a function you can also assign any object satisfying the interface MethodCall
import { MethodCall } from 'remote-method-call'
export default interface MethodCall {
callMethod(parameter: any): Promise<any>