#Codetrotters Sinatra Starter
This is a starter project for sinatra. It instructions on how to set a virtual machine with all the basic dependencies you will need.
- Vagrant VirtualMachine
- Ruby 2.3
- Postgresql 9.3 Database
- TeamPostgreSql Client (http://www.teampostgresql.com/)
- Sample Starter Code
In order to run the virtual machine you will need virtualbox and vagrant you can get those at
https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html
##Starting Virtual Machine To start the virtual machine you have to run the following command from the root directory of this repository
$ vagrant up
The virtual machine may ask where to get its internet from ( Available bridged network interfaces ) when this happens choose one of your available internet interfaces that is connected to the internet
Once that has finished, you can connect to your new virtual machine with
$ vagrant ssh
To return to your machine, just type exit
from inside the virtual machine.
To stop the machine you can run
$ vagrant halt
##Running the Sinatra Application
From inside the virtual machine, on the src/ run
$ cd ~/src/
$ bundle exec shotgun -o
Alternatively you can use the provided script
$ ~/src/bin/start.sh
You should be able to access the application at
##Connecting to PostgreSQL
The virtual machine comes with postgresql preinstalled, with an empty database called myapplication
You can use your favorite PostgreSQL client with following connection details
Property | Value |
Host | localhost:5432 |
Username | postgres |
Password | postgres |
Database | myapplication |
##Connecting to PostgreSQL with TeamPostgreSql
You can also use the built in postgresql client TeamPostgreSql by going to the following url on your computer
##Publishing to Heroku
Create a Heroku Account
Create a new heroku app
Install the heroku toolbelt on your machine
Go to your repository from the command line and type
$ heroku login
Make your repo heroku aware inside your repository
$ heroku git:remote -a [YOUR APP NAME HERE]
Commit your changes and push to heroku
$ git add -A $ git commit -m "Your commit message" $ git push heroku master
View your app on
##Moving your data to heroku
You need postgresql command line tools to be able to run this commands on MacOS you can use Homebrew
Install XCode from the AppStore
Install XCode command line tools
$ xcode-select --install
Install HomeBrew
You can follow the instructions here https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/xcode/id497799835?mt=12
or run this command
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Install postgresql
$ brew install postgresql
Link postgresql to get access to the command line tools
$ brew link postgresql
###Migrating your data
To move your local database to heroku you need to run the following command
$ heroku pg:push "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/myapplication" DATABASE_URL --app [YOUR APP NAME]
You can only do this if your remote database is empty, to resend your database you have to empty it with
$ heroku pg:reset DATABASE_URL --app [YOUR APP NAME]
##Adding a Domain to your app
Search for the domain you want on
Buy the domain
From your IWantMyName.com dashboard find your name and click on install a new service, find heroku from the list of services
Setup the heroku service by giving it your apps name