-> Nvim version v0.8.x and above
-> NerdFonts
After installing node run this command for npm
npm install -g npm
npm install -g neovim
-> I recommand to check out keymaps.txt
-> all the basic keymaps for vim and custom keymaps are in keymaps.txt
-> Packer
-> Alpha for dashboard
-> Nvim-tree
-> Telescope
-> Treesitter
-> Transparent-Nvim to toggle btw transparent bg & normal bg
-> Lualine
-> Nvim-cmp for autocompletion
-> Gitsigns
-> Presence.Nvim for discord presence
-> Autopairs for auto completing quotes , brackets , html tags etc..
-> Comment.nvim enables easy shortcut for single and multi line comments
LSP configs
-> Mason
-> LSP-config
-> LSP-saga
-> Null-ls
-> Catppuccin
-> check out this video
-> special thanks to joseanmartinez