This is Test Automation framework designed using Mocha, Chai, and Typescript.
- Download and install Chrome or Firefox browser.
- Download and install Node.js
- Download and install any Text Editor like Visual Code/Sublime/Brackets
- Clone the repository into a folder
- Go to Project root directory and install Dependency:
npm install
- All the dependencies from package.json and ambient typings would be installed in node_modules folder.
- Add new spec under test-suite folder
- Name the file as .spec.ts (e.g. super-calculator.spec.ts)
- Create folder under page-objects/pages as (e.g. super-calculator)
- Under page folder create constant, helper and page object file.
- .constants.ts (e.g. super-calculator.constants.ts)
- .helper.ts (e.g. super-calculator.helper.ts)
- .po.ts (e.g. super-calculator.po.ts)
- Run complete Test Suite:
npm test
- Go to Project root directory and run command:
npm update