Christoph von Matt 2020-10-20
I’m a geographer by training with interest in (Geospatial) Data Science, Geocomputation and Data Visualization.
This document elaborates on the processing of NEXRAD hail data from the NOAA Severe Weather Data Inventory.
In this analysis, only data from the year 2015 is used.
I used this data to improve my skills in spatial data processing and
visualization using mainly the tmap
and raster
As the code was requested, I though it would be a good chance to get
into RMarkdown
If you find this interesting or helpful in any way you can follow me on my (Spatial) Data Science & Data Visualization journey (mainly R, Python, JavaScript) also on Twitter (@chvonmatt) or Github (@codicolus).
For this analysis and visualization I used the following datasets/data sources:
- NOAA Severe Weather Data Inventory
- US States and Territories
- NEXRAD station list
- Source:
IMPORTANT: The hail data has to be downloaded manually (or via Kaggle)
+– data
|+—— nexrad-stations.txt
||+———- hail-2015.csv
|+—— shapefiles
|||+————– s_11au16.shp
|||+————– s_11au16.dbf
|||+————– s_11au16.prj
|||+————– s_11au16.shx
+– scripts
|+—— analysing_haildata_using_tmap.Rmd
+– output
|+—— figures
First, we have to set-up our R-environment. Here, this includes mainly loading our required libraries.
The tidyverse
and lubridate
packages are mainly used for the data
manipulation. The sf
package is used for spatial data reading and
manipulation. Data visualizations are conducted using the tmap
(and later also the ggplot2
package as alternative approach).
# deactivating scientific notation
# libraries
libs <- c("tidyverse", "lubridate", "sf", "tmap", "raster", "janitor", "rgdal", "rnaturalearth")
# check if libraries are available
pkgs_available <- libs %in% installed.packages()
print("Following packages need to be installed first:")
# load packages
invisible(lapply(libs, library, character.only=TRUE))
In this section we load both the NEXRAD hail data and also the US-States
shapefile (see Section Data Sources).
The downloaded files are zipped. Thus, if not already done, we first
extract/unzip the data.
From the output we can see that the US-States shapefile is a
and is using the North American Datum
# Hail data - Severe Weather Data Inventory
# unzip if necessary + read-in
unzip("./data/", exdir = "../data")
hail_data <- read_csv("../data/hail-2015.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## X.ZTIME = col_double(),
## LON = col_double(),
## LAT = col_double(),
## WSR_ID = col_character(),
## CELL_ID = col_character(),
## RANGE = col_double(),
## AZIMUTH = col_double(),
## SEVPROB = col_double(),
## PROB = col_double(),
## MAXSIZE = col_double()
## )
# US-States Shapefile
# unzip if necessary
unzip("./data/shapefiles/", exdir = "../data/shapefiles")
states_sf <- st_read(dsn = "../data/shapefiles/s_11au16.shp")
## Reading layer `s_11au16' from data source `C:\Projekte\Informatics\Data_Science\R\Kaggle\hail-2015\data\shapefiles\s_11au16.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 57 features and 5 fields
## geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## dimension: XY
## bbox: xmin: -179.1473 ymin: -14.37376 xmax: 179.7785 ymax: 71.38961
## geographic CRS: NAD83
Now, we’ll tidy our data - this includes adjusting column names, creating additional variables to facilitate the subsequent data analysis and visualization and also filtering out invalid data.
First, the hail observation dataset gets some tidying. The probability
of hail and probability of severe hail (variables prob
) are defined from 0-100%. Entries containing values lower than
zero (-999) should thus be filtered out. In this analysis we want to be
sure to only include observations where hail detection is pretty
certain. Thus, we even take it one step further and include only data
with a 100% hail probability.
Auxiliary variables are then derived mainly from the timestamp-variable
(after renaming: ymdhms
). We’ll later use them to aggregate the data.
# clean names
hail_data <- hail_data %>%
# filter plausible data / sort out invalid data
hail_data <- hail_data %>% filter(prob >= 100 & sevprob >= 0)
# Converting ymdhms to datetime-object (lubridate-package)
# Adding auxiliary variables
hail_data <- hail_data %>%
rename(ymdhms = x_ztime) %>%
mutate(ymdhms = ymd_hms(ymdhms),
year = year(ymdhms),
month = month(ymdhms),
day = day(ymdhms),
hour = hour(ymdhms),
minute = minute(ymdhms),
sec = second(ymdhms))
Next we’ll add a season
variable. Months are categorized according to
their seasonal belonging. December to February (DJF) are considered as
Winter, March to May (MAM) as Spring and so on.
As I am not fan of multiple nested ifelse
-statements, I used an
alternative approach using coalesce
. First, we determine the belonging
to the individual seasons separately, but let them coalesce to the
-variable within the same pipe. As you see from the
-statements, the individual columns need to be
complementary. This means only one of the four individual seasons
has a value, the others are NA
# add a season variable
hail_data <- hail_data %>%
mutate(month_name = month(month, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE, locale = "English")) %>%
mutate(winter = ifelse(month_name %in% c("December", "January", "February"), "Winter (DJF)", NA),
spring = ifelse(month_name %in% c("March", "April", "May"), "Spring (MAM)", NA),
summer = ifelse(month_name %in% c("June", "July", "August"), "Summer (JJA)", NA),
autumn = ifelse(month_name %in% c("September", "October", "November"), "Autumn (SON)", NA)) %>%
mutate(season = coalesce(winter, spring, summer, autumn))
Less manipulation is needed to prepare the US-States multipolygon
We only rename some variables and restrict the data to the Contiguous
# rename
states_sf <- states_sf %>% rename(state=STATE, state_name = NAME)
# US-State Names
state_names <- tibble([,1:2])
# Names of contiguous US-States
contig_us <- setdiff(states_sf$state_name, c("Alaska", "Hawaii", "Puerto Rico",
"American Samoa", "Virgin Islands",
"Northern Marianas", "Guam"))
states_sf <- states_sf %>% filter(state_name %in% contig_us)
The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of the hail observations (point data) must be specified first. The coordinate representations are in the World Geodetic System (WGS84, EPSG: 4326) as declared by the NOAA Severe Weather Data Inventory. In a later step we’ll create an auxiliary raster to assign each hail observation to a specific raster cell (see Section Maximum hail size and hail days). In order to obtain a meaningful quantitative measure (e.g. to allow for a spatial comparison), we must project the hail observations into a suitable coordinate system/projection first. The main purpose is that each raster cell with a certain hail-related value represents an equally sized area. For the USA, a suitable coordinate projection is the US National Equal Area (EPSG: 2163). The units of this projection are meter (m), so we’ll later be able to determine the raster resolution in m (km respectively). We also project the US States multipolygon from the North American Datum 83 (NAD83, EPSG: 2163) to the US National Equal Area projection.
More on how to choose a suitable projection / CRS can be read in the very informative blog post Choosing the right map projection by Michael Corey.
# transform hail_data to sf-object
hail_sf <- st_as_sf(hail_data, coords = c("lon", "lat"))
# set initial WGS84
hail_sf <- st_set_crs(hail_sf, 4326)
# transform to US National Equal Area
hail_sf <- hail_sf %>% st_transform(st_crs(2163))
states_usnational <- states_sf %>% st_transform(st_crs(2163))
# add transformed coordinates as columns (additionally to geometry)
transformed_coords <- st_coordinates(hail_sf)
hail_sf <- hail_sf %>% add_column(lon_transf = transformed_coords[,1], lat_transf = transformed_coords[,2])
Now we create the auxiliary raster to later rasterize
the hail
For this we use the boundary box of the US States sf-object (US National
Equal Area projection) as guide. The extent is however slightly adjusted
to allow for a more convenient specification of the grid cell
resolution. As for the seq
-function only positive values are valid,
the coordinates must be shifted after creation (- abs(bb[1]/1000)
Here, bb[1]
corresponds to the bounding-box xmin
, bb[2]
to ymin
For this analysis, a raster resolution of 25x25km (25km2) is
# BOUNDING BOX US-States in US National Equal Area Projection
bb <- st_bbox(states_usnational)
# maximum extents in x,y directions (km)
(dim_x_orig <- (bb[3] - bb[1]) / 1000)
## xmax
## 4548.293
(dim_y_orig <- (bb[4] - bb[2]) / 1000)
## ymax
## 2849.328
# adjusted raster dimensions + resolution
dim_x <- 4550
dim_y <- 2850
res_km <- 25
# longitude / latitude value vectors
lon_vals <- seq(0, dim_x, res_km) - abs(bb[1] / 1000)
lat_vals <- seq(0, dim_y, res_km) - abs(bb[2] / 1000)
lon_vals <- lon_vals * 1000
lat_vals <- lat_vals * 1000
# Creating the auxiliary raster
aux_raster <- raster(matrix(NA, ncol = dim_x / res_km, nrow = dim_y / res_km))
# set projection
us_national_equalArea <- rgdal::make_EPSG() %>% filter(code == 2163)
projection(aux_raster) <- us_national_equalArea$prj4 # proj4-string
# set extent
extent(aux_raster) <- c(min(lon_vals), max(lon_vals), min(lat_vals), max(lat_vals))
# dimensions
## class : RasterLayer
## dimensions : 114, 182, 20748 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution : 25000, 25000 (x, y)
## extent : -2031905, 2518095, -2116951, 733048.7 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## crs : +proj=laea +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-100 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370997 +b=6370997 +units=m +no_defs
## source : memory
## names : layer
## values : NA, NA (min, max)
## [1] 115
## [1] 183
In this step, the hail data is restricted to the extent of the just created auxiliary raster.
We also create a little auxiliary function here. The auxiliary function determines the closest coordinates to the longitude/latitude value vectors. Only longitude/latitude values lower or equal than a certain point are considered, such that the hail observations are matched to the correct raster cell. This is because the longitudes/latitudes are bounding the raster-cells and thus have larger dimensions (dim + 1, see above!) than the raster itself. Hail observations which are closer to the upper boundary longitude/latitude would therefore get falsely matched with the subsequent raster cell and not the one they’re located in!
Analogously, the last value of the longitude/latitude vectors is excluded and no valid option as there are no more raster cells after the boundary longitude/latitude values. (Though, this should not be a problem as the data is already confined to the bounding box).
# Restricting data to generated raster extent
hail_sf <- hail_sf %>%
filter(lon_transf >= min(lon_vals) & lon_transf <= max(lon_vals)) %>%
filter(lat_transf >= min(lat_vals) & lat_transf <= max(lat_vals))
# closest coordinates to match datapoints to raster cell
get_closest_coords <- function(value, lon_lat){
#return(which.min(abs(lon_lat[which(lon_lat <= value)] - value)))
return(which.max(lon_lat[which(lon_lat <= value)]))
# determine the closest corresponding raster cell for each observation
coords <- st_coordinates(hail_sf)
lon_close <-[,1])
lat_close <-[,2])
lon_close <- apply(lon_close, 1, get_closest_coords, lon_vals[1:length(lon_vals)-1])
lat_close <- apply(lat_close, 1, get_closest_coords, lat_vals[1:length(lat_vals)-1])
hail_sf <- hail_sf %>% add_column(lon_close = lon_close, lat_close = lat_close)
hail_sf <- hail_sf %>% mutate(lon_usnat = lon_vals[lon_close], lat_usnat = lat_vals[lat_close])
A short illustration of what would happen if this would not be adjusted for in the auxiliary function is provided here. The misclassification does obviously happen for every cell and not only the last - which would cause an error anyways.
**Figure 1:** Misclassification of hail observations.There’s one step left before we get to visualize the data: Creating
meaningful quantitative variables to visualize!
One variable which is of interest considering hail damage is the hail
size. We want to analyze how big the largest hailstones in 2015 were and
where they were detected. This variable can be achieved simultaneously
to rasterizing the data with the rasterize
-function by using the fun
argument. Also, our auxiliary raster is now used as template for the
maximum-hailsize raster (output).
The rasterize
function takes two columns with longitudes and
latitudes. Here, the added columns with the transformed coordinates
(into US National Equal Area projection) are used. As sf
always have a geometry
column, we first have to set the geometry
. We replace the hail_data
object with this “new” data-frame.
The template raster should have the same specifications as desired
We then provide the variable to rasterize - in our case the maximum hail
sizes (maxsize
). After the rasterization, every 25x25km raster cell
should contain only the largest maximum hail sizes detected in the
year 2015, thus we use fun = max
. A more detailed reference to the
function can be found
# drop geometry column
hail_data <- hail_sf %>% st_set_geometry(NULL)
# rasterize and aggregate hail sizes by maximum
max_size <- rasterize(hail_data[,c("lon_transf", "lat_transf")], aux_raster,
hail_data[,c("maxsize")], fun = max)
To calculate the hail days, days with an observation of 100%-hail
probability are summed up for each raster cell. For this, we use some
First, we group the data with all variables we want to keep. The first
variables in the grouping are the auxiliary date-related variables we
created in Section Setup → Hail Observations. Further, we now take
advantage of the previously determined raster cells, such that a
specific day with a hail observation does only count ONCE for a
specific raster cell. As we want every hail observation on one specific
day to count only once, we do not sum all observations up but set the
counts to one (n = 1
In a second step, we sum all hail days for each raster cell. To do so,
we group the data by the raster cells (coordinates).
Similar to the maximum hail size, we then rasterize the observations. A function is not needed, as we already have determined the raster cells. Using a grouped summary results in only one value for each raster cell (the sum of hail days).
# count hail days
hail_days <- hail_data %>%
group_by(month, day, lon_usnat, lat_usnat) %>%
summarize(n = 1) %>%
dplyr::select(-n) %>%
hail_days <- hail_days %>% group_by(lon_usnat, lat_usnat) %>% summarize(days = n()) %>% ungroup()
hail_days <- rasterize(hail_days[,1:2], aux_raster, hail_days[,3]) # function doesn't matter here
Yeppa! After all the hard work, it’s time for visualizing the results.
For this analysis we make use of the tmap
-package. Similar to
, tmap
also makes use of the Grammar of Graphics (see
Wickham, 2010).
Before we use tmap
, one (aesthetical) preparation is missing: masking
the max_size
and hail_days
raster to the US States multipolygon such
that only values laying on land get displayed! For this purpose, the
function suits our needs.
# masking maximum hail sizes + hail days
max_size_masked <- mask(x = max_size, mask = states_usnational)
hail_days_masked <- mask(x = hail_days, mask = states_usnational)
# naming the masked raster layer
names(max_size_masked) <- "Size (inches)"
names(hail_days_masked) <- "Hail Days in 2015"
For each visualization, the generated raster with the variables of
interest and the US States multipolygon dataset is used. To visualize
the raster with tmap
, we also provide the bounding box (it’s however
not necessary here). Further, we set alpha = 0
for the faces of the US
States polygons. This is required as the multipolygon-layer is overlaid
onto the raster-layer which would be invisible if the polygon faces
weren’t transparent. The inner.margins = c(bottom, left, top, right)
argument is used to add some space at the bottom and the top of the map.
If you need more detailed explanations on how to use the tmap
or if you want to get started with the tmap
-package, you may check out
Further, also the book Geocomputation in R by Robin Lovelace, Jakub
Nowosad and Jannes Muenchow is
an extremely useful resource for spatial mapping!
# mapping maximum hail sizes
map_sizes <- tm_shape(max_size_masked, bbox = bb) +
tm_raster(title = "Size (inches)") +
tm_legend(legend.position = c("left", "bottom"), scale=1.2, legend.height=0.4, legend.width=0.5) +
tm_shape(states_usnational) +
tm_polygons(alpha = 0, border.col = "darkgray", lwd = 1.2) +
tm_layout(title = "Radar estimated maximum hail sizes in 2015",
title.size = 1.2,
frame = FALSE,
title.position = c("left", "top"),
inner.margins = c(0.10, 0, 0.08, 0)) +
tm_credits("Plot by Christoph von Matt / @chvonmatt \nGithub: \nData: NOAA Severe Weather Data Inventory", align="left", position = c(0.2, 0), size = 0.6) +
tm_credits("Projection: US National Equal Area \nGrid resolution: 25x25km \n", align = "left",
position = c(0.57, 0), size = 0.6)
# save map
#tmap_save(map_sizes, "./output/figures/maxhailsizes_2015.png", dpi=300)
# mapping hail days
map_haildays <- tm_shape(hail_days_masked, bbox = bb) +
tm_raster(title = "Number of Days") +
tm_legend(main.title = "Hail days in 2015 (contiguous USA)", legend.position = c("left", "bottom"),
scale=1.2, legend.height=0.4, legend.width=0.5) +
tm_shape(states_usnational) +
tm_polygons(alpha = 0, border.col = "darkgray", lwd = 1.2) +
tm_layout(title.size = 1.2,
frame = FALSE,
title.position = c("left", "top"),
inner.margins = c(0.10, 0, 0, 0)) +
tm_credits("Plot by Christoph von Matt / @chvonmatt \nGithub: \nData: NOAA Severe Weather Data Inventory", align="left", position = c(0.2, 0), size = 0.6) +
tm_credits("Projection: US National Equal Area \nGrid resolution: 25x25km \n", align = "left",
position = c(0.57, 0), size = 0.6)
# save map
#tmap_save(map_haildays, "./output/figures/haildays_2015.png", dpi=300)
Although the main purpose of this work is to illustrate on how to analyze and visualize hail data from NOAA’s Severe Weather Data Inventory, I nevertheless add a short discussion of the results here.
The radar estimated maximum hail sizes for the year 2015 depict a pretty distinct spatial pattern: The largest hail sizes were detected over the Great Plains. Hail sizes up to 4 inches are mainly distributed across South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas and Texas. In the other states, such very large hailstones were only detected sporadically. Most observations were smaller hail sizes (up to ca. 2.5 inches). Comparatively smaller hail sizes, or few to no hail signatures, respectively, were detected over parts of the Great Basin, the Rocky Mountains and also some coastal areas.
Regions with few or no detected hail signatures are also reflected in the hail days map. The region where most hail days were registered in 2015 is again located over the Great Plains. An interesting difference is however, that there were also many hail days registered over Florida, a state which didn’t stand out regarding the radar estimated maximum hail sizes.
To discuss the results, we’ll also need to consider the locations of the radar sites used in this analysis. To map the NEXRAD radar sites, I had to cheat a little bit - I used QGIS 3 and Map-Tiles provided by the US Geological Survey (USGS).
**Figure 4:** NEXRAD radar sites and topography of the CONUS region.But why are the larger hail sizes and number of hail days mainly occurring over the Great Plains? And why were only few larger hail sizes detected over Florida despite the comparatively large number of hail days in 2015? And why do regions exist where (almost) no hail signatures were detected?
We’ll now briefly touch on some interesting aspects of hail research and radar meteorology.
Radars are active sensors, that means they actively transmit pulses and retrieve information by the returning signal caused by backscattering of atmosperic targets (precipitation targets such as raindrops or hailstones). The strength of the returning signal - how much of the signal is backscattered - depends on the particle size and the number of particles in a given sampling volume. The larger the size or the more particles, the stronger the signal. By the means of the weather radar equation, a variable called reflectivity (units: dBZ) can be obtained which in turn can be used to estimate the precipitation intensity. To determine whether hail occurs within a convective storm, modern dual-polarization radars often use a combination of the reflectivity and a variable called “differential reflectivity”. For a detailed description of (dual polarization) radar variables and their applications in radar meteorology see Kumjian 2013a and b.
“Classic” hail detection algorithms, such as the probability of
hail (POH, prob
, Waldvogel et
al. 1979)
use information on the environmental freezing level height in
combination with the reflectivity variable. Waldvogel et
al. 1979
use the maximum height (“EchoTop”) to which reflectivity values
characteristic to graupel/hail (e.g. 45dBZ) extend above the
environmental freezing level to estimate the probability of hail
(occurrence). The principle is that stronger convective storms are
supposed to have stronger updrafts which are able to lift larger
precipitation particles to higher heights above the freezing level and
hail thus becomes more likely as the environment favorable for hail
growth gets more extensive. If the retention time of hail stones in
regions favorable to hail growth is prolonged, larger hail stones can
form. This is however a simplified view as other factors (e.g. amount of
supercooled liquid water (liquid water at subfreezing temperatures),
wind shear, etc.) also play an important role for hail growth! This
would however lead too far for this short excursion presented here. If
you’re interested in this, please have a look at the comprehensive
review Understanding hail in the earth system by Allen et
al. 2019.
For the interested reader, the probability of severe hail (POSH,
) and maximum estimated hail size (MEHS, maxsize
algorithms are described in detail in Witt et
al. 1998.
Radars sample the entire atmosphere in a certain period of time by scanning a full 360 degree circle at different (discrete) azimuths and elevation angles. How the atmosphere is sampled depends on both radar system and scanning strategy. There are however limitations in sampling the atmosphere. First, current radar systems such as the Weather Surveillance Radar 88 Doppler (WSR-88D) used in the Next-Generation Radar (NEXRAD) network are limited by a maximum elevation angle. This is not problematic when storms occur at a certain distance away from the radar site. But when convective storms or precipitation systems move too close or exactly over the radar site, the sampling height is restricted as the highest elevation angles won’t reach up to the top of the atmosphere. The region where no sampling is possible due to these elevation constraints is called cone of silence. For more details on how radars operate, the Radar Tutorial webpage is a helpful resource. Alternatively, the book Radar Meteorology by Rauber & Nesbitt, 2018 is highly recommended.
Further, due to earth curvature, the lowest elevation is sampled in increasing height (above ground level) with increasing distance. At some point downrange of the radar site, no meaningful data can be sampled anymore as the vertical resolution gets too low. The range from where meaningful information can be retrieved is mainly depending on the pulse repetition frequency (PRF). The radar pulse frequency denotes the frequency with with consecutive radar signals are transmitted. If the next signal has already been transmitted, returning signals from the previous transmission cannot be unambiguously interpreted as the returning signal cannot be associated with one specific signal transmission. In the next sampling volume (completely sampled atmosphere image), this early returning signal maybe misinterpreted as a storm located close to the radar site, when in fact the real storm is located further away. These signals are called second trip echos. Avoiding this misinterpretation requires a range restriction.
Another range limitation which shall be mentioned here is shielding by topography. If a radar is located too close to a mountain range the full potential sampling range is correspondingly limited to the distance of the topographic obstacle.
Now let’s have a look at how this relates to our visualized hail data.
WSR-88D radar systems within the NEXRAD network have a typical long range limitation for the base reflectivity of about 460 km (286 miles, see this NWS-page). Even with all radars used in this analysis, several coverage gaps exist. If we compare the coverage map provided by NOAA with our maps of the largest maximum hail sizes and hail days in 2015, these coverage gaps are well reflected. The regions where no hail signatures were detected over parts within the states of Nevada, Oregon and also in West Texas, are associated with coverage gaps. Coverage gaps over the Great Plains in the states of Montana and Wyoming are also depicted.
Comparing the estimated maximum hail sizes in the year 2015 with all
hail size detections in NOAA’s National Centres for Environmental
Information (NCEI) Severe Weather Data Inventory shows that the
maximum hail size distribution agrees well with the mean annual maximum
hail sizes in the period 1979-2013 (NCEI detections, see Allen et
al. 2017,
p. 4504).
Atmospheric conditions over the Great Plains are supporting strong
convection (e.g. steeper lapse rates, wind shear conditions, convective
available potential energy) and supercellular storms which are
responsible for considerable fraction of all large hail observations
(see the webpage on Supercell Structure and Dynamics by the
NWS, Allen et
al. 2017,
Allen et
al. 2015
and sources therein, as well as the climatology of several important
variables for severe convection in Taszarek et
al. 2020).
Also, an older study by Doswell III et
al. 2005
analyzed the hail occurrence probability over the CONUS region.
Especially their severe hail distribution for hail sizes ≥ 2 inches
matches well with the hail data for the year 2015 (see Figure 9 in
Doswell III et
al. 2005)
The counted hail days for the year 2015 are also in accordance with the US National thunderstorm frequency (see the top figure on this webpage of the Florida Climate Center). A local maximum in average number of thunderstorm days is located over the Great Plains. Thunderstorms are however not necessarily hailstorms. Supporting our hot spot for the maximum estimated hail sizes as well as the maximum in hail days over and close to the Great Plains region is the annual mean number of large hail reports for the period 1979-2012 shown in Allen et al. 2015, p. 227. The overall maximum of thunderstorm days in the US over Florida (Florida Climate Center). But on the same page - we also learn that Florida has not that many instances of hail (see Section Hail).
So why did our analysis reveal up to 30 hail days, despite there are not that many instances of hail supposed to occur over Florida?
The Florida Climate Center provides the answer:
The freezing level in a Florida thunderstorm is so high; hail often melts before it reaches the ground.
— Florida Climate Center
So always remember when analyzing any kind of remote sensing data - what actually is calculated by algorithms is just an estimation/approximation of the reality! These algorithms surely are model-calibrated to existing data (e.g. real hail observations), but still - the radar estimations are not ground truth data! Verification with ground truth data is thus key - but still a challenge for local phenomena such as hail. Emerging approaches strongly rely on the public, for example crowd-sourced hail reports using mobile apps (see Barras et al. 2019) or storm spotter networks (see
Certain is, that the radar algorithm to estimate the probability of hail (POH) detected a 100% chance of hail. It is quite likely that there was hail present within the specific thunderstorms on each of the detected hail days in 2015. But we cannot know - without ground truth data - that the hailstones actually reached ground before melting. But knowing the fact, that “there are not so many hail instances” observed in Florida - we should be critical about the number of hail days detected solely by the radar hail signatures.
Instead of using tmap
, we’ll try to recreate the maximum hail size and
hail days data visualizations using the ggplot2
package. Can we
recreate our maps fully based on ggplot2
? Whether this is possible,
is of course an entirely rhetorical question. We’ll however not exactly
recreate the created maps. This may be achieved with theme_void
, but
we’ll use theme_linedraw
Also, I won’t go into too much detail here as the focus of this work
lays on the tmap
# Loading additional packages
We already created a season
variable (character) specifying Winter
(DJF), Spring (MAM), Summer (JJA) and Autumn (SON).
This variable will now become handy as some seasonal analysis can be
added here. For this we will use faceting. Note: Facets can also be
applied to maps created with tmap
To be able to facet the data seasonally, we first must aggregate the
data seasonally. For this we use our season
variable as additional
grouping variable.
# seasonal hail days
hail_days_seasonal <- hail_data %>%
group_by(season, month, day, lon_usnat, lat_usnat) %>%
summarize(n = 1) %>%
dplyr::select(-n) %>%
hail_days_seasonal <- hail_days_seasonal %>%
group_by(season, lon_usnat, lat_usnat) %>%
summarize(days = n()) %>% ungroup()
# seasonal maximum hail sizes
hailsize_seasonal <- hail_data %>%
group_by(season, lon_usnat, lat_usnat) %>%
summarize(size_max = max(maxsize)) %>%
To visualize the very same (severe weather) data using ggplot2
transformations are required. For the visualization the ggplot
geom-equivalent for raster is used (geom_raster
). This requires the
data to be a data.frame
with both x
and y
columns to specify each
raster cell and a column containing the value (e.g. hail_size
). We
apply this to both masked-rasters.
# Transforming masked-rasters to df
maxsizes <-, xy = TRUE)
hail_days <-, xy = TRUE)
# renaming
colnames(maxsizes)[3] <- "maxsize"
colnames(hail_days)[3] <- "hail_days"
To recreate the tmap
visualizations, the data must be discretized
according to the automatically generated tmap
breaks. Further, the
colorscale is created as a vector of hex-values for both maximum hail
sizes and hail days.
# maximum hail sizes
breaks_sizes <- seq(0.5,4,0.5)
colors_sizes <- c("#FFFBD4", "#FEECA5", "#FECF66", "#FEA332", "#EC7114", "#C74A02", "#8E3004")
# hail days
breaks_days <- seq(0,30,5)
colors_days <- c("#FFFACE", "#FEE697", "#FEBE4A", "#F88B22", "#DB5D0A", "#A33803", "#FFFFFF")
# discretization maximum sizes
maxsizes$discrete <- cut(maxsizes$maxsize, breaks = breaks_sizes, right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE)
# seasonal hailsizes
# hailsize_seasonal$discrete <- cut(test_size_seasonal$size_max, breaks = breaks_sizes, right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE)
# discretization hail days
hail_days$discrete <- cut(hail_days$hail_days, breaks = breaks_days, right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE)
hail_days_seasonal$discrete <- cut(hail_days_seasonal$days, breaks = breaks_days, right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE)
The annual data is already masked as it was transformed from masked rasters. Therefore no additional transformation/work is required
For the hail data, geom_raster
is used and for the contiguous United
States multipolygon, geom_sf
suits our needs. We use the polygons
twice - once for a white background and the second time to overlay the
state borders over the hail data.
# annual maximum hail sizes 2015
ggplot_sizes <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=states_usnational, fill="white", lwd = 0.3) +
geom_raster(data=maxsizes, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=discrete)) +
labels = c("0.5 - 1.0", "1.0 - 1.5", "1.5 - 2.0", "2.0 - 2.5", "2.5 - 3.0",
"3.0 - 3.5", "3.5 - 4.0", ""),
name = "Size (inches)",
guide = guide_legend(direction = "horizontal", label.position = "bottom",
keyheight = unit(2, units = "mm"),
keywidth = unit(15 / length(labels), units = "mm"),
nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE,
title.position = 'top', title.hjust = 0.5)) +
geom_sf(data=states_usnational, fill="darkgrey", alpha=0, lwd = 0.3) +
labs(title = "Maximum hail sizes in 2015", x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude",
subtitle = "Maximum MEHS detections",
caption = "Plot by Christoph von Matt / @chvonmatt || Data: NOAA Severe Weather Data Inventory || Projection: US National Equal Area") +
theme_linedraw() +
theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom",
plot.caption = element_text(size = 8, hjust = 0.5))
# annual hail days 2015
ggplot_days <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=states_usnational, fill="white", lwd = 0.3) +
geom_raster(data=hail_days, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=discrete)) +
labels = c("0 - 5", "5 - 10", "10 - 15", "15 - 20", "20 - 25", "25 - 30", ""),
name = "Number of days",
guide = guide_legend(direction = "horizontal", label.position = "bottom",
keyheight = unit(2, units = "mm"),
keywidth = unit(15 / length(labels), units = "mm"),
nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE,
title.position = 'top', title.hjust = 0.5)) +
geom_sf(data=states_usnational, fill="darkgrey", alpha=0, lwd = 0.3) +
labs(title = "Hail days in 2015 (CONUS region)", x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude",
subtitle = "Days with at least one observation of POH = 100%",
caption = "Plot by Christoph von Matt / @chvonmatt || Data: NOAA Severe Weather Data Inventory || Projection: US National Equal Area") +
theme_linedraw() +
theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom",
plot.caption = element_text(size = 8, hjust = 0.5))
# save plots
#ggsave("../output/figures/maxsize_ggplot.png", ggplot_sizes, dpi=300)
#ggsave("../output/figures/haildays_ggplot.png", ggplot_days, dpi=300)
For the seasonal hail days we need one more processing step: masking the
data to the multipolygon shapefile. This is realized using sf
manipulations. We first have to transform the data to a sf
# sf-object
seasonal_days_sf <- st_as_sf(hail_days_seasonal, coords = c("lon_usnat", "lat_usnat"))
seasonal_days_sf <- seasonal_days_sf %>% st_set_crs(2163)
# Load US Natural Earth data
world <- ne_countries(scale="medium", type="map_units", returnclass = "sf")
usa <- world %>% filter(name == "United States")
# transform data
usa_usnational <- st_transform(usa, st_crs(2163))
# get points on land
points_onland <- st_intersects(seasonal_days_sf, usa_usnational, sparse = FALSE, dist = 25000)[,1]
# clean variables
rm(seasonal_days_sf, usa, world)
# confine data to land
hail_days_seasonal <- hail_days_seasonal[points_onland, ]
# seasonal hail days
ggplot_seas_hd <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=states_usnational, fill="white", lwd = 0.3) +
geom_raster(data=hail_days_seasonal, aes(x=lon_usnat, y=lat_usnat, fill = discrete)) +
labels = c("0 - 5", "5 - 10", "10 - 15", "15 - 20", "20 - 25", "25 - 30", ""),
name = "Number of days",
guide = guide_legend(direction = "horizontal", label.position = "bottom",
keyheight = unit(2, units = "mm"),
keywidth = unit(15 / length(labels), units = "mm"),
nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE,
title.position = 'top', title.hjust = 0.5)) +
geom_sf(data=states_usnational, fill="darkgrey", alpha=0, lwd = 0.3) +
labs(title = "Hail days in 2015 (CONUS region)", x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude",
subtitle = "Days with at least one observation of POH = 100%",
caption = "Plot by Christoph von Matt / @chvonmatt || Data: NOAA Severe Weather Data Inventory || Projection: US National Equal Area") +
theme_linedraw() +
theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom",
plot.caption = element_text(size = 8, hjust = 0.5)) +
# save map
#ggsave("../output/figures/haildays_seasonal.png", ggplot_seas_hd, dpi=300)
Thank you very much for reading this RMarkdown
I hope you found it informative and useful in some way. If you have
suggestions for improvement or ways how to solve a specific processing
step more efficiently, please let me know! Also if something does not
look right to you - suggestions for correction/improvement are welcome!
At this point, I’d like to thank and give a huge shout out to all the data providers, namely the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for the hail data and NEXRAD station list, the US National Weather Service (NWS) for the US States and Territories shapefile and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for providing the map-tiles and R-package creators for their extremely valuable and helpful work to facilitate the realization of this little project.
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