seckill Public
the source code of `seckill` with development documentation ⚡
websocket-cluster Public
Forked from la3rence/websocket-clusterSpring Cloud 的 WebSocket 集群的一致性哈希实现。This is a Spring Cloud project for WebSocket cluster servers using consistent-hashing algorithm.
air-conditioner Public
Forked from YunYouJun/air-conditioner❄️ 云空调,便携小空调,为你的夏日带去清凉!
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 10, 2021 -
tabby Public
Forked from wh1t3p1g/tabbyA CAT called tabby ( Code Analysis Tool )
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 27, 2021 -
ssm2 Public
the SSM framework's advanced development knowledge with detailed manual 🔚
codingXiaxw.github.io Public
my blog's website: http://codingxiaxw.cn
HappyBirthday Public
Give a blessing to her on my girlfriend's birthday
CustomerManagement Public
a simple customer management system using MVC model with development ducumentation
leetcode Public
it records my leetcode learning process, continue to update.
shiro Public
integrating `Shiro` into SSM to control the authority management
ssm Public
🔛 a simple example introducing SSM's basic development knowledge with detailed manual
filter Public
an example about JavaWeb‘filter to solve the encoding problem with detailed development documentation
generator Public
three steps to teach you use MyBatis's reverse engineering