Fluent validator that enables validation on multiple parameters at once.
Example with express paginated endpoint. Both query parameters (page and size) must be positive integers or empty values.
var validator = require('fluent-validator');
app.get('/users', function() {
// query params are valid
OR Separator
// Example: chain1.or.chain2
- if
passes validationchain1
is omitted and validation passes successfully. - if
does not pass validationchain1
is checked. - if
does not any of validation chains then errors are produced fromchain1
AND Separator
// Example: chain1.and.chain2
- if
passes validationchain1
is checked as well. - if
does not pass validationchain1
is omitted and errors are produced fromchain1
You can react on validation result in multiple ways:
var validation = validator()
validation.getErrors(); // Returns array of validation errors
validation.hasErrors(); // Returns true if there are validation errors
validation.check(); // Returns true if there are no validation errors
validation.throwOnError(); // Throws error if there are validation errors.
You can shorten validation chain:
var validation1 = validator().validate(req.query.page).isInt().and.isPositive().or.isEmpty();
var validation2 = validator(req.query.page).isInt().and.isPositive().or.isEmpty();
// validation2 is just a shorter version of validation1
Validation without chaining.
var validator = require('fluent-validator');
// isPositive: just executes checks if input > 0
validator.isPositive(1); // true
validator.isPositive(-1); // false
validator.isPositive("1"); // true
validator.isPositive("-1"); // false
validator.isPositive(0.1); // true
validator.isPositive(-0.1); // false
validator.isPositive("0.1"); // true
validator.isPositive("-0.1"); // false
validator.isPositive({}); // false
validator.isPositive([]); // false
Customizing the validator.
var validator = require('fluent-validator');
// Adding custom validations
validator.add('isEqualTo123', 'Value is not equal to 123', function(value) {
return value === 123;
validator.add('isDivisibleBy', 'Expected ${0} to be divisible by ${1}', function(value, divisibleBy) {
return value % divisibleBy === 0;
// Adding custom error thrower used in validation.throwOnError()
validator.throwError = function(errors) {
new Error('Validation error. ' + errors.map(function(error) {
return error.message;
List of available validations.
- isIn(value, arr) - check if value is in array
- isPositive(value) - check if
value > 0
- isNegative(value) - check if
value < 0
- isNonNegative(value) - check if
value >= 0
- isNonPositive(value) - check if
value <= 0
- isLower(value, bound) - check if
value < bound
- isLowerOrEql(value, bound) - check if
value <= bound
- isGreater(value, bound) - check if
value > bound
- isGreaterOrEql(value, bound) - check if
value >= bound
- isInRange(value, min, max) - check if
value > min && value < max
- isInRangeOrEql(value, min, max) - check if
value >= min && value <= max
- isDate(value) - check if value is of type
or can be parsed withDate.parse()
- isAfter(value, min) - check if
value > min
- isAfterOrEql(value, min) - check if
value >= min
- isBefore(value, max) - check if
value < max
- isBeforeOrEql(value, max) - check if
value <= max
- isInt(value) - check if value is an numerical or textual representation of an integer
- isFloat(value) - check if value is an numerical or textual representation of a float
- isNumber(value) - check if value is an numerical or textual representation of a number
- isHexadecimal(value) - check if value is an numerical or textual representation of a hexadecimal number
- isDivisibleBy(value, x) - check if value is an numerical or textual representation of a number that is divisible by
- contains(value, text) (alias: isIn) - check if value is in text
- isLength(value, length) - check if value is of given length
- matches(value, regexp) - check if
- isAlpha(value) - check if value is contains only
- isNumeric(value) - check if value is contains only
- isAlphanumeric(value) - check if value is contains only
- isLowercase(value) - check if value is lowercased
- isUppercase(value) - check if value is uppercased
- isAscii(value) - check if value is contains only ASCII characters
- isEmail(value) - email RegExp validation
- isURL(value) - URL RegExp validation
- isIP(value) - IP RegExp validation
- isBase64(value) - Base64 RegExp validation
- isHexColor(value) - Base64 RegExp validation
- isUUID(value) - UUID RegExp validation
- isJSON(value) - UUID RegExp validation
- isCreditCard(value) - CreditCard RegExp validation
- isISBN(value) - ISBN RegExp validation
- isMongoObjectId(value) - MongoObjectId RegExp validation
- isNull(value) - checks if
value === null
- isNotNull(value) - checks if
value !== null
- isUndefined(value) - checks if
value === undefined
- isNotUndefined(value) - checks if
value !== undefined
- isNullOrUndefined(value) - checks if
value === undefined || value === null
- isNotNullOrUndefined(value) - checks if
value !== undefined && value !== null
- isEmpty(value) - checks if value is defined and is a non empty array or non empty object or non empty string
- isNotEmpty(value) - negation of
- passes(value, check, message) - checks if
function. In case of validation errormessage
parameter is used.