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@coleifer coleifer released this 03 Aug 09:47
· 574 commits to master since this release
  • Add a helper to playhouse.mysql_ext for creating Match full-text search expressions.
  • Added date-part properties to TimestampField for accessing the year, month, day, etc., within a SQL expression.
  • Added to_timestamp() helper for DateField and DateTimeField that produces an expression returning a unix timestamp.
  • Add autoconnect parameter to Database classes. This parameter defaults to True and is compatible with previous versions of Peewee, in which executing a query on a closed database would open a connection automatically. To make it easier to catch inconsistent use of the database connection, this behavior can now be disabled by specifying autoconnect=False, making an explicit call to Database.connect() needed before executing a query.
  • Added database-agnostic interface for obtaining a random value.
  • Allow isolation_level to be specified when initializing a Postgres db.
  • Allow hybrid properties to be used on model aliases. Refs #1969.
  • Support aggregates with FILTER predicates on the latest Sqlite.


  • More aggressively slot row values into the appropriate field when building objects from the database cursor (rather than using whatever cursor.description tells us, which is buggy in older Sqlite).
  • Be more permissive in what we accept in the insert_many() and insert() methods.
  • When implicitly joining a model with multiple foreign-keys, choose the foreign-key whose name matches that of the related model. Previously, this would have raised a ValueError stating that multiple FKs existed.
  • Improved date truncation logic for Sqlite and MySQL to make more compatible with Postgres' date_trunc() behavior. Previously, truncating a datetime to month resolution would return '2019-08' for example. As of 3.10.0, the Sqlite and MySQL date_trunc implementation returns a full datetime, e.g. '2019-08-01 00:00:00'.
  • Apply slightly different logic for casting JSON values with Postgres. Previously, Peewee just wrapped the value in the psycopg2 Json() helper. In this version, Peewee now dumps the json to a string and applies an explicit cast to the underlying JSON data-type (e.g. json or jsonb).

Bug fixes

  • Save hooks can now be called for models without a primary key.
  • Fixed bug in the conversion of Python values to JSON when using Postgres.
  • Fix for differentiating empty values from NULL values in model_to_dict.
  • Fixed a bug referencing primary-key values that required some kind of conversion (e.g., a UUID). See #1979 for details.
  • Add small jitter to the pool connection timestamp to avoid issues when multiple connections are checked-out at the same exact time.

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