DEBKS is a convenient and user-friendly program to streamline the discovery of differentially expressed circRNA between two RNA-seq sample groups with replicates. DEBKS combines well-known software CIRCexplorer2 for circRNA detection and annotation in chimeric RNA-seq reads, with rMATS statistical model for identifying differential isoform ratios using RNA-seq sequence count data with replicates.
DEBKS is a free software, which can be downloaded from
Python 3.x.x and corresponding versions of NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy.
Install latest release via conda
conda install -c colinliuzelin DEBKS
Install latest release from source codes
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
Users can prepare the external files under the following instructions:
Genome fasta file
Gene annotation GTF file
If raw fastq file provided, DEBKS can map reads and calcuate differential PBSI in the following command:
DEBKS -g genomeFasta -s1 s1File -s2 s2File \
-STARindex STARIndexDir -gtf gtfFile -o outDir \
-read readType -len readLength [options]*
- s1File contains sample_1 fastq files:
- s2File contains sample_2 fastq files:
- Genome index built by STAR
STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --runThreadN threads \
--genomeFastaFiles genomeFasta \
--sjdbGTFfile gtfFile \
--sjdbOverhang readLength-1 \
--genomeDir STARIndexDir
DEBKS -g hg19.fa -s1 sample_1.txt -s2 sample_2.txt -STARindex hg19_STAR/ \
-gtf gencode.v19.annotation.gtf -o out_test -t 40 -read pair -len 150 -c 0.1 -a 6
In this mode, users can map RNA-seq reads by themself with the following command:
STAR --genomeDir STARIndexDir --chimSegmentMin anchorLength \
--runThreadN threads --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted --alignSJDBoverhangMin anchorLength \
--alignSJoverhangMin anchorLength --chimJunctionOverhangMin anchorLength \
--outSJfilterOverhangMin -1 anchorLength -1 -1
Then, users can employ DEBKS to calcuate differential PBSI in the following command:
DEBKS -g genomeFasta \
-s1CJ s1CJFile -s2CJ s2CJFile -s1SJ s1SJFile -s2SJ s2SJFile \
-gtf gtfFile -o outDir -read readType -len readLength [options]*
- File contains sample_1 chimeric junction files from STAR output:
- File contains sample_2 chimeric junction files from STAR output:
- File contains sample_1 splicing junction files from STAR output:
- File contains sample_2 splicing junction files from STAR output:
DEBKS -g genomeFasta -s1CJ sample_1.CJ.txt -s2CJ sample_2.CJ.txt -s1SJ sample_1.SJ.txt \
-s2sJ sample_2.SJ.txt -gtf gencode.v19.annotation.gtf -o out_test -t 40 -read pair -len 150 -c 0.1 -a 6
-g <str> Genome Fasta file
-STARindex <str> STAR alignment index directory
-s1 <str> FASTQ files of sample 1, replicates in different lines, paired files are separated by semicolon
-s2 <str> FASTQ files of sample 2, replicates in different lines, paired files are separated by semicolon
-s1CJ <str> Chimeric junction of sample 1 group, replicates in different lines
-s2CJ <str> Chimeric junction of sample 2 group, replicates in different lines
-s1SJ <str> Spliced junction of sample 1 group, replicates in different lines
-s2SJ <str> Spliced junction of sample 2 group, replicates in different lines
-gtf <str> GTF file
-o <str> Output directory of the result files
-read <str> RNA-seq reads are single- or pair-end reads. [single, pair]
-len <int> Read length of RNA-seq reads
Note: parameters -STARindex -s1 -s2 are mutually exclusive with -s1CJ -s2CJ -s1SJ -s2SJ
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-p Sample 1 group and sample 2 group is paired
-n <int> Required total juction reads in all samples to filter out low expressed circRNAs [2*samples]
-t <int> Number of processors [1]
-c <float> Required PBSI difference cutoff between the two samples [0.01]
-a <int> Minimum overhang length for counting chimeric or splicing junctions [6]
-keepTemp Keep the temporary files. Disable by default.
Field | Description |
chr | chromosome of circRNA |
start | coordinate of start back-splicied site (0-based) |
end | coordinate of end back-splicied site (1-based) |
strand | '+' or '-' |
exonCount | exon number of circRNA with comma-delimiter |
exonSizes | length for each exon with comma-delimiter |
exonOffsets | offset for each exon with comma-delimiter |
geneID | ID of gene |
isoformID | ID of isoform |
flankIntron | flanking intron of back-spliced sites |
linearExonL | coordinate of start site for left flanking exon |
linearExonR | coordinate of end site for right flanking exon |
SJL1 | counts of spliced junction of left flanking in sample 1 group with comma-delimiter |
SJL1 | counts of spliced junction of left flanking in sample 2 group with comma-delimiter |
SJR1 | counts of spliced junction of right flanking in sample 1 group with comma-delimiter |
SJR1 | counts of spliced junction of right flanking in sample 2 group with comma-delimiter |
inc1 | counts of inclusion spliced junction of sample 1 group with comma-delimiter, equal to sum of SJL1 and SJR1 |
inc2 | counts of inclusion spliced junction of sample 2 group with comma-delimiter, equal to sum of SJL2 and SJR2 |
bs1 | counts of back-spliced junction in sample 1 group |
bs2 | counts of back-spliced junction in sample 2 group |
effective_inclusion_length | length adjust for inc1 and inc2 |
effective_bs_length | length adjust for bs1 and bs2 |
PBSI1 | percent back-spliced in of sample 1 |
PBSI2 | percent back-spliced in of sample 2 |
P | the significance of differential PBSI with user defined threshold |
FDR | Benjamini-Hochberg corrected FDR of the above P |
Copyright (C) 2020 Zelin Liu ([email protected]). See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.