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colognechip edited this page Jun 7, 2017 · 2 revisions
# misdn_info
Found 3 ports
  Port  0: 'HFC-S_USB.1':       TE/NT-mode BRI S/T (for phone lines & phones)
                                2 B-channels 1-2
  Port  1: 'mISDN_l1loop.1':    TE/NT-mode BRI S/T (for phone lines & phones)
                                2 B-channels 1-2
  Port  2: 'mISDN_l1loop.2':    TE/NT-mode BRI S/T 


  • '2 B-channels 1-2' means the two available B-Channels are mapped to B1 and B2, which is kind of default. The channels mapping can be modified if a layer1 driver does support that.
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