GoLang client module to send SMS messages using Comilio SMS Gateway.
To use this library, you must have a valid account on https://www.comilio.it.
Please note SMS messages sent with this library will be deducted by your Comilio account credits.
For any questions, please contact us at [email protected]
$ go get github.com/comilio/go-sms-send
package main
import (
sms "github.com/comilio/go-sms-send"
func main() {
var SMS sms.SMS
SMS.Auth("username", "password")
phones := []string{"+393401234567", "+393498765432"}
responseMessage, success := SMS.Send(phones, "Hello World!", "Classic") // could be Smart and SmartPro. Return responseMessage String and success Bool
fmt.Println(responseMessage, success)
package main
import (
sms "github.com/comilio/go-sms-send"
func main() {
var SMS sms.SMS
SMS.Auth("username", "password")
responseMessage, success, array := SMS.Check("5DB89598EDC64F11A5FCF11B3FEC063E") // returns responseMessage String, success Bool, array Interface
fmt.Println(responseMessage, success, array)
You can check out our website https://www.comilio.it