Main differences:
BREAKING CHANGE: The zero page and $0200+ layout has changed completely and is now incompatible with the C64.
- PS/2 mouse
- support for text mode with tiles other than 8x8 [Serentty]
- fix: programmatic echo mode control [Mikael O. Bonnier]
- new layout for zero page and KERNAL/BASIC variables:
- $00-$7F available to the user
- ($02-$52 are used if using BASIC graphics commands)
- $80-$A3 used by KERNAL and DOS
- $A4-$A8 reserved for KERNAL/DOS/BASIC
- $A9-$FF used by BASIC
- new BASIC statements:
- SCREEN <mode> (0: 40x30, 2: 80x60, 128: graphics)
- PSET <x>, <y>, <color>
- LINE <x1>, <y1>, <x2>, <y2>, <color>
- FRAME <x1>, <y1>, <x2>, <y2>, <color>
- RECT <x1>, <y1>, <x2>, <y2>, <color>
- CHAR <x>, <y>, <color>, <string>
- MOUSE <n> (0: off, 1: on)
- new BASIC functions:
- MX (mouse X coordinate)
- MY (mouse Y coordinate)
- MB (mouse button; 1: left, 2: right, 4: third)
- new KERNAL calls:
- MOUSE: configure mouse
- SCRMOD: set screen mode
- new PS/2 mouse driver
- charsets are uploaded to VERA on demand
- GEOS font rendering uses less slant for faux italics characters
- misc GEOS KERNAL improvements and optimizations